Healthy Habits You Should Start Today

It’s time to get healthy

New Writers Welcome
7 min readJul 3, 2022


Photo by THE 5TH on Unsplash

If you’re like most people, your New Year’s resolutions were probably something along the lines of “eat healthier,” “exercise more,” or “quit smoking.” While all these things are great ideas to work on, they can be a little bit vague. What does it really mean to eat healthier? How should I exercise for maximum benefit? And how do I quit smoking without starting another habit that’s just as bad? Luckily for you, I’ve compiled a list of healthy habits to start that will help you achieve all of your goals:

Eat your fruits and vegetables

You’ve probably heard that fruits and vegetables are good for you, but did you know that they can actually help improve your health? Eating more fruits and vegetables has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, cancer, obesity, and type 2 diabetes. Fruits and vegetables also contain important vitamins and minerals that are essential for everyday living.

So how do you get more fruits and vegetables in your diet? Start by choosing fruit over soda or juice when dining out (or at home). In addition to fruit being naturally sweetened instead of processed sugar-based fructose corn syrup found in many soft drinks, it’s also better for your body! If a meal doesn’t come with a side salad or vegetable like broccoli or green beans as an option — or if there isn’t enough on the plate — add some greens or extra veggies when possible. This will help ensure that you’re getting enough nutrition each day without having to worry about getting sick from eating too much junk food! Remember: moderation is key here; go overboard with this advice at first because once habits are formed they’re hard to break them down again which could lead to serious health issues later down line such as diabetes II which we all want to avoid these types things.

Plan your meals

Planning your meals is a crucial step in staying on track with your healthy habits. When you plan for the week, you’ll be able to shop for and cook food in advance. This ensures that you don’t get caught off guard by unexpected hunger, or worse, bad decisions about what to eat because there’s nothing prepared at home.

Planning also helps you save money. By making a list of what ingredients are needed for each meal ahead of time, you’ll avoid buying unnecessary items or paying too much for them (e.g., buying an entire box of cereal just because it was on sale). Plus, if there’s anything extra left over after dinner has been made — say half an onion or some celery — you can use this ingredient later in the week when preparing other meals (like vegetarian chili).

When planning your meals:

  • Make sure each meal fits into your diet goals (i.e., low carb/high protein/fat-free)
  • Decide how many servings of each food group should make up one sitting (“sitting” = “meal”)

Start a fitness routine

Exercise is one of the best ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It helps improve your physical health, mental health, and overall happiness. Even if you don’t want to start with intense workouts or an expensive gym membership, there are so many ways to get in shape without spending much money on equipment or classes. For example:

  • You could go for a walk every day (or alternate between walking and running).
  • You could do push-ups whenever you find some time (e.g., while watching TV).
  • You could go hiking with friends on weekends or during vacations if possible.

Set goals

Setting goals is the best way to stay on track. You can’t accomplish anything if you don’t know what it is you want to accomplish. It’s not enough to say, “I’m going to lose weight this year.” What does that mean? How much weight? How will you know when your goal has been reached? You need concrete, measurable goals that define where you want to be and how long it will take you to get there. For example:

  • I want to lose 10 pounds in 6 months
  • I want my waistline measurement (at navel) at 29 inches or less by September 1st of next year

Set to-do lists

If you had a personal assistant or a scheduler, they’d be the ones to keep track of your appointments and tasks. But since you’re on your own, it’s up to you to organize your schedule and keep track of what needs doing.

To-do lists can help with this. The trick is deciding which activities are most important — and then set aside time for them first. You might start off with something simple like cleaning out your closet or going through papers that need filing, but as time goes by and more tasks pile up on the list, the list becomes increasingly more complicated as well. This is where good organization skills come in handy: prioritizing items according to their urgency will help ensure everything gets done in its proper order.

Quit destructive habits

If you’re like most people, you’ve got a few bad habits that can be tough to break. Whether it’s smoking, drinking too much alcohol or coffee, eating junk food, eating fast food…the list goes on and on. It’s time to choose a new path! Here are some tips for quitting:

  • Make a list of all the negative effects that come from your destructive habit (e.g., health problems like heart disease and stroke). Then write down how your life would improve if you quit (e.g., longer lifespan!). Read through this list whenever you feel tempted to go back into old patterns — it’ll help remind yourself why quitting is so important!
  • Focus on one change at a time when making any significant change in diet or lifestyle

Limit your meal preparation time

While it is important to enjoy your time and food, you should also be careful not to spend too much time in the kitchen.

  • Don’t use the kitchen as a place to hang out. If you have friends over, have them help prepare the meal together and then move on to another activity.
  • Don’t use the kitchen as a place to watch TV or do homework (unless it’s part of a lesson).
  • Don’t spend more than 20 minutes preparing meals at once — or else they’ll get cold while you’re cooking and cooling down your body temperature!

Stay hydrated

The best way to do this is by staying hydrated. It’s important to drink water throughout the day — even when you’re not thirsty.

When you feel hungry, try drinking a glass of water instead of eating something. You’ll be surprised at how much more full you feel after just a few minutes! This can help with weight loss and reduce overeating later on.

Drinking plenty of water before bed will ensure that your body is fully hydrated while sleeping, which can reduce sleep problems like insomnia or waking up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty.

Relaxation techniques

Relaxation techniques are an important part of a healthy lifestyle. If you’re feeling tense, these strategies can help reduce your stress levels and make you more relaxed overall.

  • Take a deep breath. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth for 5–10 seconds per breath, focusing on each exhalation as it leaves your body until you feel calmer.
  • Think about something that makes you happy: a pet or person who loves you, a memory from childhood, anything that brings up positive emotions in yourself and makes you smile! This exercise helps bring focus away from whatever happened to upset us last week so we can start fresh again now!
  • Take some time out every day just for yourself — whether it’s 10 minutes or 30 minutes doesn’t matter too much as long as it’s something which feels good without being too stressful or demanding on our time; if nothing else try going outside into nature (if possible) because this will help improve mood significantly compared with indoor environments such as offices where many of us spend most days working these days!

Live a healthy life for yourself and for those who love you!

If you’ve ever felt defeated when it comes to making healthy changes, this one’s for you. We all have our own unique obstacles and struggles, but at the end of the day, we all deserve to live a healthy life that makes us feel good and gives us energy.

If you’re feeling tired or down right now, know that there are many things in your life that makeup who you are — and being unhealthy is not one of them! You’re so much more than just your body or what’s going on inside it. Being healthy can help make those other parts of yourself shine even brighter! There is no shame in starting small and working toward something bigger. Just take baby steps until they become big steps (and even then keep taking the next smallest step). By taking these steps every day we can constantly improve our health for ourselves and for those who love us!


By following these healthy habits, you’ll not only be happier with yourself but also have a better chance of living longer. You’ll also be able to feel less stress and anxiety in your life because you will have more control over it!



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