Heart and Mind. Hack Your System and Stop the Fight.

Do you really want to keep fighting against yourself for one more day?

Blanca Sánchez
New Writers Welcome
5 min readJul 2, 2023


Photo by Taylor Deas-Melesh on Unsplash

Since I started my path of self-awareness and personal development, I’ve had to delve deep into the place from which I made my decisions and the reasons behind them.

It’s not easy to live on autopilot for years and suddenly want to start thinking for yourself. You need to pause, analyze, and reflect on every step you take, and your life needs to slow down from its accustomed frantic pace for the process to work.

However, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

We can’t expect to change our lives and start from scratch without considering that our present is a reflection of our past and, above all, what we have learned from it.

Our body and soul have memory just like the mind.

It’s a memory nourished by the emotions experienced in each circumstance. This is because the heart has its nervous system with over 40,000 neurons that communicate with the areas of the brain responsible for emotion regulation and physiological functions.

This is why we can experience so much pain when the heart and mind don’t agree on how to act and make decisions.

We live in a society of contradictions, where it’s easy to lose direction if we listen to everything we’re told through the media, digital platforms, or the people around us.

Modern society lives in the moment.

In such a world, connecting with our hearts seems like a wild act that we can’t afford if we don’t want our productivity to decrease.

The mind is capable of responding instantly to stimuli; that’s its function. We can stay alive thanks to what we know as the reptilian brain, which activates the survival mode in stressful situations.

However, the biological rhythms of the heart are slower and more stable because their purpose is to maintain a smooth blood flow.

Every time our mind wants to take control, our heart rate accelerates, and we may even experience a change in breathing rhythm. This puts unnecessary strain on the body.

All this information is imprinted on our system because the reptilian brain also holds all ancestral memories. This is the realm of biological connection between the mind and the heart.

We are designed as a whole, but they decided to divide us to make us feel incomplete and therefore vulnerable. Someone who knows they have everything within themselves doesn’t allow anyone else to govern them because they recognize their power. Nevertheless, in a world of masses, where power is held by a minority, this didn’t suit them.

This survival-based mentality is leading you to failure because it fuels your insecurities instead of nurturing your gifts. You can’t live thinking about saving the present and expecting a good future.

You need to pause and reflect.

“The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers, healers, restorers, storytellers, and lovers of all kinds.” Dalai Lama

We need to build the present we desire with the awareness of which are the pillars of our house, ensuring that they remain strong over the years. This requires time and dedication.

It doesn’t mean we can’t respond to the demands of the environment. In fact, we do it every day.

What I want you to consider is:

  • From what place are you doing it?
  • What is your true Why in life?

Knowing this will allow you to act in alignment with yourself. It will not only benefit you personally but also professionally.

Centuries ago, science and philosophy took different paths despite having a similar goal. They separated the two perspectives, pretending that one was more correct, and thus began a new power struggle. However, this is impossible. We are whole.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

A body without a soul dies, but a soul without a body can’t experience the world either.

Here is where we recognize the conflict between the mind and the heart that we often experience since we have consciousness.

How many times do you feel that life is against you and doesn’t make it easy? How often do you do things you don’t truly want to do because you think it’s a duty?

It’s not easy to understand that we are the creators of our own reality when we are told how to be and act from a young age to conform to social norms.

However, the world is changing, and we are beginning to understand that we can choose our own path and be successful.

We can hack our own system to work in our favor.

Your mind and heart don’t exist within you to constantly fight for power. Each has its own space and moment to take the lead.

If you’ve read this far, I can assure you that you are ready to achieve it. Your heart has kept you connected to my words and wants you to take responsibility.

Allow yourself to try as many times as necessary. Remember that it won’t be easy to clear the path you’ve traveled in your years of life, but it will be worth it if you ask yourself:

“Do I want to be happy and build the life I dreamed of as a child before I die?”

I embrace you and accompany you on this journey. If you want to know how to achieve this mind-heart connection, you can leave a comment, and I’ll write an article about the steps and techniques to implement in our daily lives to achieve it.

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I would love to have you along my journey and be part of your growth.

