Here’s How to Level Up in 2024!

Here are 6 habits to help you become your best version in 2024!

Divyanshu Lakwad
New Writers Welcome
5 min readJan 3, 2024


Photo by Nghĩa Lê on Unsplash

How’s the 2023 report card looking? Did you conquer all your goals?

Well, if not, worry not! As the year wraps up, it’s not just about dwelling on what could’ve been done. It’s about gearing up for a fresh start in 2024 with even more enthusiasm and determination.

Let’s ensure all those dreams and goals left hanging this year find fulfilment in the upcoming one. Amen!

Here are a few everyday habits that you can incorporate to join the prestigious 1% club. It’s time to kick off the new year with a bang and make those dreams a reality!

Learn a High-Income Skill:

Learning and mastering a skill to the level that you can make money out of it requires only a few months of study and dedication, to go from beginner to intermediate level. To reach the advanced level, the only thing you need to get is experience. Identify a skill that aligns with your interests and that has a market demand.

Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare provide a plethora of courses ranging from coding and digital marketing to graphic design and content creation. As you progress through the courses and apply your newfound knowledge, you’ll notice a transformation in your abilities. This not only boosts your confidence but also makes you more marketable in a world that values skills over degrees.

Creating a high-income skill is an investment in your future.

Create a Routine:

Establishing a routine is like crafting a roadmap for your day — a guide that directs you towards productivity and well-being.

A well-thought-out routine doesn’t just happen; you create it intentionally, tailoring it to your unique needs and goals. Remember, consistency is key. While your routine doesn’t need to rival a military timetable, having a general structure helps organize your time effectively.

  • Divide your day into blocks of focused work and designated break times.
  • Understand your peak productivity hours — the times when your concentration is at its best.
  • Allocate your most demanding tasks to these periods.
  • Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.
  • Experiment with different routines until you find the one that resonates with you.
  • Start your day with intention, incorporating activities that nurture your mind and body.
  • Set realistic goals, breaking them into manageable tasks.

As you accomplish tasks, the sense of achievement becomes a driving force, propelling you forward. Remember, a routine is not a rigid set of rules; it’s a flexible framework that accommodates life’s unpredictability.

What works for someone else might not suit your lifestyle or preferences.

Adaptability is crucial — life is dynamic and your routine should be too!

The power of a well-crafted routine cannot be overstated. A routine not only boosts productivity but also provides a sense of stability in an ever-changing world.


Imagine your body as a high-performance vehicle; to keep it running smoothly, you need to fuel it with the right stuff. That means a balanced diet featuring a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats.

Cut down on the sugary treats and processed snacks — they might have a temporary high, but the crash isn’t worth it. Instead, opt for nutrient-rich options that provide sustained energy.

Remember, it’s not about deprivation but making choices that nourish your body.


Now, let’s talk movement.

Your body is designed to move, and in 2024, it’s non-negotiable. Exercise is the superhero for your body and mind. It’s not just about lifting weights or running marathons; even a home workout counts. Physical activity pumps up your heart, strengthens muscles, and keeps joints flexible. Exercise isn’t just about building a great physique; it’s a mood booster, an immunity enhancer, and a key player in overall well-being. Whether it’s dancing to your favourite tunes or a quick jog in the park, find what you enjoy.

Exercise isn’t just a routine; it’s a celebration of your body’s capabilities.


In the grand scheme of changing your life in 2024, one crucial element that stands out is ‘action’. While dreaming and planning are essential, it’s the actual doing that transforms aspirations into tangible achievements.

Waiting for ideal conditions or flawless plans is a trap. Life is inherently messy, and waiting for the perfect moment may mean waiting forever. Instead, launch into action, and refine your approach as you go.

Each step forward provides valuable insights and propels you further.

Consistency is the key. Small, consistent actions accumulate into significant accomplishments. Consider it a form of compound interest for your personal development. The accumulation of daily efforts is what sets the stage for transformative change.

The bridge between dreams and reality is built with actions.

Don’t just learn, start taking massive imperfect action on whatever you choose to do.

Dopamine Detox:

In the age of constant stimulation, a dopamine detox is essential. Limit exposure to social media screens, and other instant gratifications.

Dopamine is the final common pathway for all pleasurable, intoxicating, and rewarding experiences. Whatever your ‘drug of choice’, chocolate, nicotine, social media, power, or shopping.

The repeated surge in dopamine levels experienced as a result of drug use can lead to dependency; this is because, as the brain adapts to those higher levels of dopamine, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve the same feelings of pleasure without the use of ‘drugs’.

Embrace moments of silence, engage in activities that bring genuine joy, and reconnect with the simplicity of life. Detoxifying your mind cultivates mindfulness and mental clarity.

Start practising these things to reset your brain fully —

  • Practise fasting (try not to eat until you’ve finished your most important work of the day).
  • Don’t consume content until your work is finished.
  • Don’t grab your phone as soon as you wake up.
  • Eat without consuming content.
  • Avoid gossip and drama.


As you step into 2024, remember that change begins with a single decision. By incorporating these basic yet potent steps into your life, you’re not setting resolutions; you’re sculpting a lifestyle that propels you towards a more enriched and purposeful existence. Embrace the journey, and let this be the year you redefine your life.

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Divyanshu Lakwad
New Writers Welcome

A law student turned writer, working on himself to improve everyday. I mostly write on self-growth, since I love to share everything that I learn.