Here’s How You Can Get Your First 100 Followers On Twitter

In 30 days or less!

Aditya Pratap Singh
New Writers Welcome
6 min readJun 30, 2022


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


  • Update your profile
  • Tweet every day
  • Engage
  • Personalised Retweet
  • Write Threads
  • Appreciate the work outside of Twitter
  • Reach out in DMs

Until a few months back I did not use Twitter. I used to think it is a place where celebrities and politicians hang out. But I was wrong.

I discovered that many people are using Twitter to display their work, build in public, grow a following and make money.

There are many wonderful people on the platform who have made a career out of using Twitter. These people are teaching their secrets for free.

I started sincerely using Twitter at the end of May 2022 and by the last week of June, I had over 100 followers.

Image by the Author

There are many lessons I learned that I wish I knew on Day 1.

If you are interested in growing a following on Twitter, follow these 7 steps and you will be able to get 100+ followers on Twitter within a month.

1. Update your profile

If you are like me you already have a Twitter account but it is not designed very well. To fully utilise the potential of Twitter, you will need to look genuine and interesting.

If you write a tweet or comment on a tweet, people often check your profile. Unless you manage it well, not many of those people will show an interest in you.

There are three key elements of a profile on Twitter:

  1. Profile Picture
  2. Banner
  3. A short Bio

You will need to take care of all three.

Profile Picture:

  • Use an image in which someone can see your face on the Twitter feed itself.
  • Use a solid colour or gradient background to make a professional-looking picture.
  • You can use pfpmaker to quickly get a great profile picture.

People connect with people, not a silhouette and not a cartoon.

Nobody will go to your profile and open the image to identify you.

Use a solid colour or gradient background to make your picture look professional.

You can use pfpmaker to make a great profile picture


A banner is similar to a billboard advertisement of your brand.

  • You can show your product or anything that you are building through the banner. Check out the banner of a few good accounts to get an idea.
  • As there is a 160 characters limit in the Bio part, you can use your banner to display additional information that is not fitting in the Bio.
  • You can use Canva to pick and customise an attractive banner.

A Short Bio:

It is a 160 characters version of you.

You need to show the best and most relevant information either based on your past achievements or something that you are going to learn or build.

  • Use numbers to show your achievements.
  • Also, tell what people can expect from your tweets.
  • If you are a student or learning a skill, mention that.

2. Tweet Every Day

These are my stats from May vs June:

In May, I did not tweet daily. I was still not committed to writing on Twitter. In June, I have put tweets every single day.

There is no way you will not see the difference by staying consistent.

It does not mean you need to be on Twitter 24X7.

You can use the schedule feature on Twitter or use any of the below apps to schedule and manage your tweets:

  1. HypeFury
  2. Tweet Hunter

You need to tweet 3–5 times daily to stay relevant.

Write all your tweets in one day and schedule them for the wee

3. Engage

This is a non-negotiable step. If you just keep tweeting and hope people will start following you, it will not happen.

You engage with other tweets by liking, commenting or retweeting.

Liking a tweet is the bare minimum form of engagement. It will not give you much exposure. You need to thoughtfully comment on other tweets to get noticed.

In the early days, most of your followers find you through comments on other people’s tweets.

What to comment:

  • Comment with your insight and experience.
  • Tell a personal anecdote
  • Something that you found on the internet related to that topic.

Engaging will help you put on the radar of other creators.

Once they check your profile, there should be some unique content, a good picture and a bio to help them decide if they want to follow you.

4. Perosnalised Retweet

You have two options:
1. Re-tweet
2. Quote tweet

A retweet will only show up on your feed. It will not help you grow in any way.

Use the option of Quote tweet. Describe in a sentence or two what you learned from the tweet, what you think about it and how it helped you.

All creators big and small notice a Quote tweet. They may retweet it again.

If you get a retweet from a major account you can gain over a hundred followers in a day.

5. Write threads

Twitter has a limit of 280 characters in a tweet.

You can only swim in shallow waters with 280 characters. You need to write a thread to dive deep.

While your first thread may not necessarily go viral, there are several benefits to consistently writing threads on Twitter:

  1. Improve your writing — Easiest way to write if you have no experience
  2. Build credibility — As you write more, more people will notice your consistency and see you as credible
  3. Discover your niche — you may not know initially what you want to write. You don’t need to decide on a single topic. Write about multiple things and figure out what works for you.

Aim to write 1–2 threads per week.Aim to write 1–2 threads per week.

6. Appreciate the work outside Twitter

Once you start using Twitter, you will find that people have built free products such as YT videos, Newsletters, Checklists, etc.

Check out these products by your favourite creators.

If you find something of value, tag that person and write a tweet to appreciate her.

This is another way to get noticed by amazing creators. They often retweet your tweet. It helps you get further reach.

The ways I use to appreciate the work by other creators:

  • Podcast →Write a tweet or thread to appreciate them
  • Newsletter/Books → Share a screenshot/Image along with my insight. Tell what you like about it or learned from it

7. Reach out in DMs

Among all the points, this is the most underrated way to get attention.

You want to use Twitter to genuinely connect with people and not just boast the number of followers.

Many creators put it this way: You want to build an audience, not just followers. Your audience supports you. If you have something to say, they take interest in it.

There can be followers and still no engagement. If they don’t know who you are as a person, it becomes difficult to connect.

You can go one step further by making friends on Twitter.

I have built a few great friends. I find it exciting to share and engage with them. They motivate me, give me ideas and help me grow.

Your journey becomes fun and less lonely when you have friends to share it with.

You may not know why you need an audience in the beginning but there are endless ways in which it can help you.

It can help you get work as a freelancer, build products, and find great clients for coaching.

I am seeing people use Twitter for all productive reasons. If you have not started on Twitter, now is the perfect time to do so.

Let me know in the comments what stops you from using and growing on Twitter.

Stay tuned for more.



Aditya Pratap Singh
New Writers Welcome

I am on a journey to live a healthy and meaningful life. I write about habits, growth, decision-making among other things that help us be better at life.