How Artificial Intelligence Can End Human Civilization

Explore the pessimistic side of Artificial Intelligence

Adarsh Kumar Nath
New Writers Welcome
3 min readDec 28, 2021


Photo by Phillip Glickman

In this article, we are going to explore the pessimistic philosophy of the future of artificial intelligence. Therefore, readers are advised to buckle up their seat belts before we dive into some pessimistic stuff.

First of all Artificial intelligence refers to any activity that is handled by technology instead of humans. Take for example the processing of online payments, automatic washing machines, software, automatic doors, etc. Even a tiny program to make basic calculations comes under artificial intelligence. So the next time you see things getting done with partial or no human intervention consider it as artificial intelligence.

In today’s world, we see robots and virtual world technologies as a more complex and progressive form of artificial intelligence. The development of these technologies is backed with the idea of complete automation to an extent that does not require human intervention to even turn them on or off.

Photo by Bret Kavanaugh

Now this may sound super cool, right? But recent findings contradict the theory that robots are meant for the wellbeing of the population. It is because we have equipped them with too much data that make them intelligent or maybe too intelligent to handle. The developers of AI often argue that artificial intelligence can never overtake humans because the human brain has more creative capacity than machines. What they simply forget is that humans do not possess the capacity to make full use of their brains but robots do and this is where things can go wrong.

Take the example of the Facebook AI robots incident where the robots started communicating in their own language and had to be immediately shut down. This is a sheer example of robots getting rogue, and getting out of control. They were designed to perform in a certain way but ended up performing their own way. This incident raises questions on the development of military robots for modern warfare. What if they form alliances with other robots? What if they indiscriminately wipe out the innocent living population? What if they simply take all humans to be a threat to robokind? Now if these questions remind you of a sci-fi movie then feel free to relate it to the real world because they open the doors to futuristic imagination.

Photo by Roméo A

The latest development of artificially backed virtual worlds like the Metaverse makes the pessimistic theory of artificial intelligence even more interesting. The concept aims to create a parallel world where humans would live their lives virtually. Starting from brushing their teeth to buying a car everything may be done virtually in a parallel virtual world. But the problem is that the basic concept of the virtual world ignores the healthy living standards of humans. A person playing soccer in real life can never be replaced by the virtual world. A person getting married in the virtual world may sound amazing but will it be able to replace the sacred relationship that married couples have in the real world?

For a human to be mentally and physically fit he has to get involved in the real world rather than getting glued to the virtual world. Too much involvement of virtual world technology can tarnish human health and ultimately eat the entire human civilization.

We can conclude that too much artificial comfort can shake the pillars of human society and establish something that’s hypothetical and does not even exist in real life.



Adarsh Kumar Nath
New Writers Welcome

Engineer turned Entrepreneur and Educator | On the mission of exploring human potential and the philosophies of life.