How do I stay focused and productive?

Navigating Distractions

Dr. Abdelaziz M.E
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJan 24, 2024


Photo by Chase Clark on Unsplash

Have you ever experienced being stuck in the mindset of glorifying busyness to reflect and question, “What did I achieve today?”

The secret to productivity doesn’t lie in checking off numerous tasks on a to-do list but rather in aligning your actions with what truly holds significance.

Today, let’s explore a system that cultivates productivity without inducing chaos, allowing for a fulfilling sense of accomplishment each day.

First and foremost, feeling in control of your work is paramount. The constant barrage of tasks can easily take charge if left unchecked.

To regain control, start with a brain dump—externalize all those floating tasks. Categorize them into two groups: essential tasks that align with your goals and operational tasks that maintain the system.

The crux of this approach is choosing one essential task each day and prioritizing it above all else. Unlike the pitfall of tackling multiple important tasks, focusing on one ensures a deeper, more satisfying accomplishment. However, it’s crucial to be realistic about the chosen goal, breaking it down if necessary.

Understanding your peak productivity hours is the next step. Schedule the essential task during this time to leverage your energy and focus. With the cornerstone task in place, the rest of the day can be filled with operational tasks—quick wins that maintain momentum.

Interruptions are the archenemy of productivity. Learn from the unwavering focus of others, like my friend, who shields himself with noise-canceling headphones during peak working hours. Reserve questions for non-urgent matters and respect the do-not-disturb mode.

Quality tools can significantly elevate your potential. Just as a sharp knife enhances cooking efficiency, Notion serves as an all-in-one workspace for tasks, notes, and wikis.

It provides a clear overview of projects and fosters collaboration within a team. Notion’s simplicity, highlighted through features like the toggle list, promotes organization without overwhelming complexity.

To aid in adopting this productivity system, a Notion template is available for daily thoughts, gratitudes, brain dumps, and task categorization. Notion’s plan is free, making it accessible to everyone.

Facing less rewarding tasks becomes manageable with the Pomodoro Technique. To maintain a workflow, allow yourself a five-minute break for every 25 minutes of work. This structured method helps break down tasks into segments, fostering a feeling of achievement.

Recognize that peak performance isn’t sustainable all the time. Occasionally, stepping back allows for brilliant ideas to surface during downtime. Balancing hard work with breaks ensures a holistic approach to productivity.

In conclusion, mastering productivity involves aligning efforts with purpose, choosing one essential task daily, leveraging peak productivity hours, minimizing interruptions, and utilizing quality tools like Notion.

Try out methods such as the Pomodoro Technique. Keep in mind that taking breaks often leads to the most creative thoughts.

By adopting these approaches, you’ll experience a boost in efficiency and a stronger feeling of fulfillment every day.



Dr. Abdelaziz M.E
New Writers Welcome

Business mentor and consultant at various startups, assistant professor at the University of Hertfordshire's School of Business.