How Does Walking Heal My Body?

The magic of walking

Lina Khalid
New Writers Welcome
2 min readNov 8, 2023


Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash


At times, we experience certain pathological symptoms that have no medical explanation. Recently, I experienced some non-real symptoms like chest pain and shortness of breath. However, after visiting a doctor, I was relieved to learn that there was nothing serious going on with my health.

My Plan

Although the doctor reassured me, I could not shake off these symptoms. As someone who has always been active, I decided to increase my physical activity to help alleviate these symptoms. I started walking at a fast pace in the morning, sometimes alternating one minute of fast walking with one minute of slow walking. In the evening, I continued with my usual sports activities. After only two days of doing this, all my annoying symptoms disappeared. I was amazed at how walking helped me treat my symptoms and boost my mood.

My Thoughts on Walking

Walking has always been a beneficial activity for me, especially during the early morning or late at night when the air is fresh, and there are fewer people around. It allows me to think deeply and focus on my goals. Sometimes, when I’m struggling to decide, the answer comes to me while walking. Walking is a beautiful activity that refreshes both the body and soul.


I wanted to share my story to let you know that if your doctor has confirmed that there is nothing serious going on in your body, then exercise can be a simple yet effective solution to alleviate any discomfort you may feel.

However, before engaging in any exercise, even slow walking, it’s important to consult with a physician to ensure that there are no underlying health issues.



Lina Khalid
New Writers Welcome

I am a researcher and author of the “Software Architecture for Business” book. Love Zumba, walking in nature, and swimming.