How I Balance Writing for Myself vs. for an Audience on Medium

3 simple tricks to make your writing both personal & professional

Sweta Sharma
New Writers Welcome
5 min readAug 3, 2024


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Writing on Medium can be tricky!

You want to express yourself, but you also want people to read and enjoy your work.

It’s like standing at a crossroads.

Writing solely for yourself might feel great, but it can lead to a lonely experience if no one’s reading.

On the flip side, constantly chasing trends and writing only what you think others want to hear can quickly lead to burnout and a loss of authenticity.

So, what should you do?

Which path should you choose?

Path 1 or Path 2?

Most writers feel they have to choose one or the other.

But, I’m here to tell YOU that there’s a Middle Path!


Is it possible?

Can I choose a combo of both?

I know you may be wondering about these questions.

Let me make it clear.

You can do that!

In this post, I’ll share 3 simple tips, that will help you write content that you like and the one that will appeal to your readers.

Here we go:

1. The ‘Me, You, Us’ Method

This is one of the simplest methods to structure your articles.

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When you write, begin with your personal story or opinion.

This satisfies your need to express yourself.

See this example⬇️

Image by Author (Source:
Image by Author (Source:

Next, shift your focus to your readers.

Talk about their experiences or problems related to your topic.

Show that you understand and care about their perspective by providing solutions.


Image by Author (Source:

Lastly, connect your experience to a broader theme that everyone can relate it.


Image by Author (Source:

By using this method, you create articles that:

  • start with your unique voice
  • connect with your readers
  • and, end with a message that resonates with everyone.

2. The ‘One for Them, One for Me’ Rule

This rule is about balancing your writing.

Here’s how it works:

Write an article that’s focused on what your readers want or what’s popular on Medium. This is your ‘One for Them’.

If You Want to Find What Your Readers Want:

  • Go to your profile picture and click on ‘Stats’.
Image by Author
  • Scroll down and you’ll be able to see your story stats. Filter out the ‘Most Read’ by clicking on the drop-down arrow.
Image by Author
  • You’ll be able to see your top-performing story. Click on the story. Again, scroll down and you’ll get your readers’ interest.
Image by Author
Image by Author

If You Want to Find What’s Popular on Medium:

  • Click on the Medium icon on the top-left side. You’ll see a variety of topics and categories.
Image by Author
  • Scroll down. On the right side, you’ll see a heading titled ‘Recommended Topics’.
Image by Author

Click on any topic that interests you to see the most popular articles within that category.

Alternatively, you can also use the search bar at the top.

Image by Author
Image by Author

Keep alternating between these two types of articles.

3. The ‘Try It On’ Strategy

This strategy is all about putting yourself in your readers’ shoes after you’ve written your first draft.

Once you’ve finished writing, take a break.

Then, come back and read your article as if you’re seeing it for the first time.

Pretend you’re your ideal reader.

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  • What parts of the article grab your attention?
  • What parts are confusing or unclear?

Try to answer all these questions.

As you read, make notes.

Use this feedback to revise your article.

Clarify confusing points, add more context where needed, and make sure your insights are presented in a way that connects with readers.

Final Thoughts🙌

Try these 3 hacks, and stay consistent with your writing.

You’ll soon realize that balancing writing for yourself vs. writing for an audience becomes second nature😊.

Do you use some other hacks apart from the ones I mentioned?

Let me know in the comments.

See you in the next value-packed article! Same vibe, same place🌈.

Hey, pals! 👋 I’m Sweta — An Editor Turned Digital Content Creator.

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Sweta Sharma
New Writers Welcome

Hey, I'm Sweta! I help you build your personal brand by writing, AI & creating content. Join more creatives like you ➡️