How I Began Writing, and How I Keep Motivating Myself to Keep Writing as a Beginner.

Not an easy decision though!

New Writers Welcome
6 min readOct 30, 2022


During my school days, I used to write essays and writings as part of the school curriculum, apart from what is expected or simply put bookish mugging up, I used to lay my creativity and write on my own.

Of course, I didn’t notice much that I’m genuinely interested in writing, and neither of my school teachers noticed. Most of the school teachers during my time concentrated only on merit students. I was an average student at school, yes some of my teachers did notice me but they were into mathematics.

Also during my schooling, I showed most of my interest in cultural activities. Hence I happened to not notice that I have an interest in the field of writing.

Another aspect was during schooling we all had a lot of books to study already and also had a lot to write, hence reading and writing was out of the question to explore more on it. Our mind automatically diverts to some other option instead of recognizing the facts. I’m too young to notice it, probably.

During my post-graduation, there was a subject related to English, I don’t remember the exact name of the subject, and in the examination, we had to write about two topics.

I could remember that I had very little time to complete my examination and I had two essays to finish.

I had a lot of ideas to put down as soon as I saw the topics, and during that less time, I wrote an article competently, during my writing for the first time in my life my heart skipped a beat. I loved the way I wrote and my ideology on the given topic if I could remember was nowhere read, it just came to my mind naturally and I could give my proper reasoning to support what I have written in the article.

Later when we had the results I got an A-plus grade in that subject, I visited my lecturer and she thanked me for writing so incredibly.

I remember that day I was extremely happy and proud of myself and I knew I had something in me for writing.

Next time whenever I was having a chance to write I was very confident because I noticed I was good at it.

Like any other person later I got busy with my academics, then my employment, etc.

During my employment, I remember telling my colleague that I like writing(I didn’t know from where in the world I got that thought, but I remember those words came out of my free will) and she told me to start writing. I took that suggestion for granted and never tried to write. I fell into the rat race and forgot about it thinking I’ll do it later, or maybe I thought I had lots of time to do it.

Later, I had to leave my job because I had to take care of the baby and family, so in the little time I had, I wrote a few articles on Instagram which is ideally the wrong platform for articles without pictures or reels.

But I was good at it and people appreciated me for the thoughts I put in my writing.

Later I found out about the platform Medium and that we could make a career in writing.

I found many talented writers on various social media platforms. Many thoughts came to me at once, that I’m not as good as them, I don’t have the talent to earn money in writing, I’m new to this, I should earn experience first, and I’m too late to start. I was confused about whether to give it a try or not.

My mind is full of ideas, it was going crazy, hence I gathered up my courage to write my first article on Medium.

What happened to me while I was writing?

  • My heart races more than usual.
  • I get a lot of ideas with a flow.
  • It comes naturally and freely.
  • It’s like meditation, I forget all the worldly matters and other worries I have in my mind.
  • Since I choose to write about my experiences I have a clear understanding of my views. Writing down helps you to get clarity on what you think because you put all your thoughts together.
  • I feel strong.
  • I feel encouraged and feel like I’m surrounded by a positive vibe.

It was not easy to make up my mind! Why?

  • Because of the high competition.
  • I have little time to spend on writing.
  • I couldn’t earn much as a starter. Rather thought of investing my time which earns money.
  • Less guidance, as of now.

How I motivate myself?

  • By reading books, I love reading books ( I noticed it very late in my life), they just changed my life in a way I couldn’t even expect.
  • I was sick for a long time, during that time one of my fears was I would die without doing the things I love in my life. (This was one of the aspects, of all the many regrets). I’m healthy now. Hence I keep reminding those feelings and decided to write just simply because I like it.
  • When we like something deep in our hearts it’s also inevitable that we leave out the results.

If I could motivate one person with my writing that will give me a lot of satisfaction and meaning for my living.

I heard this phrase from somewhere, it goes on like this:

Something a sword cannot do writing does it easier (pen is mightier than the sword).

I keep reminding this phrase sometimes and it instantly motivates me.

Did life give me a chance to write?

I did my Btech in computer science engineering, and later PG in Banking and Finance, and I have done two jobs related to banking.

I had to take a break due to my pregnancy and post-delivery issues, and also to raise my baby while my husband is working.

I have very little chance and time to take another employment and hence I was searching for ways to engage myself and to do something for myself. The reason behind this was probably because the whole day goes to taking care of my family which also urged me to take care of myself and that is through writing.

Writing to me feels like a warm cosy sweater on cold nights.

Life will push you in some circumstances and it’s you who has to grab the opportunity and work on it instead of blinding yourself with worldly deviations. (Anything which deviates you from getting to know yourself more).

Life has a way to communicate with us, we have to sit back relax and look into it to understand what it is telling us.

Hence in the little time I have, I decided to spend it on the things which I most liked and it was writing.

What I have decided to do next?

A great resolution came into my life after a great realization.

The resolution is to make writing a part of my life.

Life brings about many changes, and nothing is certain. (I say this through my experience with life.)

I may or may not take writing as a career, but it will be a part of my life and I will continue to write till the day I die.

I decided to write stuff that moves people’s hearts or write something useful from which they can learn.

I believe in the process of life, life brings many challenges to teach us something and experience something that is required for us to experience.

And now I believe that life has shown me or pushed me to write because I have to experience it.

Life has shown me a path to pursue something which I missed or overlooked.

Thanks for reading.



(I feel I need guidance to write better if anyone can help me regarding it, feel free to suggest how).



New Writers Welcome

Discovering myself more through content writing. Talks about personality development, mental health, health and life stories.