How I Built Unshakeable Faith in Myself and Boosted Confidence Against All Odds

I did it for myself and here’s how you can do it too.

Devansh Tomar
New Writers Welcome
3 min readJul 9, 2024


Photo by R.D. Smith on Unsplash

Confidence is a muscle you train daily.

No one is born with it.

You may even think, “Everyone around me is so confident; I wish I had it too!”

But they aren’t different or special; they simply know themselves, which you don’t, and they do it every day.

There was a time when I didn’t have faith in myself at all. I doubted my capability every time I faced a challenge, which shattered my belief in myself. I sought external approval to boost my confidence by letting others define my worth and capabilities.

But confidence is pure and eternal. It never comes from outside of you.

Instead, it’s already within you. It’s dormant and wants to be realized and unlocked.

This is how I activated an unshakeable faith and boosted my confidence, and you can too.

Setting a personal benchmark

What if the biggest obstacle to your success is your self-doubt?

For most of my life, I struggled with crippling self-doubt. You doubt yourself when you consistently fail to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. The longer the gap remains, the more doubt about oneself rises.

The only way to overcome this is by setting a small yet difficult benchmark for yourself and achieving it.

The benchmarks don’t have to be as big as reaching a summit. It can be as small yet challenging as reaching a basecamp of a summit.

For instance, on days when I doubt my ability to finish a task, I recall the tougher days I overcame. This helps me remember my potential. As a result, my past difficult days serve as an anchor for my current difficult days.

Overcoming self-doubt involves taking daily steps rather than taking a bold leap.

A few days ago, I had a tiring 8-hour workday, both physically and mentally.

I woke up early to write. Later, I planned to work out. However, my mind and body resisted. I almost decided not to go. But then, I asked myself, “Why am I slacking?”. I remembered the days when I had conquered more difficult and tiresome days than this.

It reminded me that if I can do it on my worst days, why not today?

This is how you build self-faith and confidence that are eternal.

You’ve got to make promises to yourself and fulfil them. Every time you do it, you will shift your identity from a person who is insecure, hesitant, and doubtful into a consistent, disciplined, and resilient person.

Boosting your confidence starts with understanding and remembering the power of small wins.

A win of any kind becomes a benchmark for me to realize that I still have potential left in me.

Establish a personal benchmark that pushes you to excel, and use it as a guiding force to drive you forward, even on the toughest days. Set your standards and achieve them; it’s about personal excellence, not competing with others.

My goal is always to make you take action and not just read my articles.

Action steps for you: Make a short list (three things, anything) of things to do today and try to finish them. Make this your personal benchmark; it will be your anchor later.

What next?

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Devansh Tomar
New Writers Welcome

A marketer who writes to express | Follow to read on personal growth, lifestyle, spirituality, and writing.