How I Crafted a New Life in Six Months

My insights from depression to fitness

Gagandeep Kakar
New Writers Welcome
3 min readOct 25, 2023


Photo by Oliver Sjöström on Unsplash

I once lived in the shadow of my depression, feeling like I was invisible to the world. But in just six months, I underwent a transformation that profoundly reshaped my perspective on life.

Not too long ago, I felt helpless, weighed down by my mental struggles, a lack of physical activity, and the never-ending grip of overthinking that often led me to believe change was impossible. I felt lost, unsure of how to create the life I truly desired.

However, upon deeper reflection, I’ve come to realize that this very feeling sparked the change within me. Instead of viewing it as a weakness, I saw it as a signal to start a journey of self-discovery and growth.

It was at that moment I made a choice, one that would kickstart my transformation: I decided to prioritize my physical health as a powerful tool to battle my depression and light the way to a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Throughout this journey, I discovered four crucial insights that played a vital role in making my transformation a success.

Start with a small step

I began my journey with no grand plan in mind. I simply took that first small step, recognizing that I didn’t have to do something extraordinary right away. In my case, I started with just 15 minutes of cardio exercises like jumping jacks and skipping, all while engaging in the epic battle of cutting out sweets and sugar from my life.

Starting with achievable goals, no matter how small, can work wonders. As I conquered them, I felt more purposeful and stronger. Think of life as a canvas, waiting for the artist within you to breathe life into it. In the beginning, it’s blank, devoid of color and form. But with each brushstroke, I created a masterpiece. When I was unsure, I envisioned myself as that artist, starting with a single, gentle stroke — a small step forward.

Progress is not a straight path

Progress wasn’t a straight line for me; it was more like an intricate dance with twists, turns, highs, and lows. I faced setbacks, moments of fear, times of despair, and days when I considered giving up. What I truly needed was patience and faith in the process. Every twist and turn offered valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

My progress was like sailing on the ocean. Sometimes, the sea was calm, and other times, it was stormy. But every part of my journey shaped who I am. Just as sailors adjust to changing conditions, I adapted and learned from life’s challenges on my way to personal growth.

The value of feedback

Feedback became my friend during this transformation, guiding me and helping me make necessary adjustments. I didn’t hesitate to seek advice from friends, mentors, and those with similar experiences. They became my guides, like Sherpas on my journey, showing me the way and helping me reach my personal growth summit.

For instance, when I faced knee pain due to incorrect squat form and a lack of stretching, my brother from another mother noticed my struggle and helped me correct my form. It made a significant difference, and I felt stronger and avoided further injuries.

The power of consistency

Consistency became the secret sauce to my success. It was all about taking small, deliberate steps every day. These daily actions became habits that pushed me closer to my goals. I stuck to it and watched as my consistent efforts accumulated, like a snowball rolling downhill, gaining size and momentum. Over time, these efforts brought about significant positive changes that might have been otherwise hard to attain.

During my fitness quest, I found that being consistent was a game-changer. Instead of occasional intense workouts, I focused on daily, manageable exercises. It may seem small, but over time, I not only felt great after each workout but also avoided burnout and saturation that can come with intense routines.

In due time, I looked back and realized just how far I’d come. My path may have seemed foggy then, but I kept moving forward, and I found myself exactly where I was meant to be, rising from the abyss into the light of a brighter, more uplifting future.

