How I make money from social media

In 2023

David Schuyler Franco
New Writers Welcome
2 min readMar 19, 2023


Photo by Lennon Cheng on Unsplash

SO I’ve been building online businesses for over 10 years now and have managed to make a few bucks in the process. I thought, why not write down what I’ve learned so it’s not forgotten. So here go a few key points I would have wished someone told me in the beginning…

Make the majority of your content short and sweet

I don’t say this to be lazy, I just say it because it’s the most logical way to produce content and as efficient as I can come up with.

In short, you don’t want to spend a week on one video when it gets only 100 views, when you can create a short on YouTube in 2 mins — that gets over a thousand.

Use pop-ups on websites to collect email addresses

I can’t speak for every business, but I know that the majority of my sales for products that cost over 100$ came from my newsletters. In other words, the newsletter funnel is great for upselling and increasing customer lifetime value. SO don’t neglect it!

Create Promo Codes and Limited Time Offers

This is the fastest and quickest way to make a sale. It is pretty much guaranteed that you will make a sale with these promo codes and limited time offers. All it takes a blast of your product out in front of enough eyes. Then someone who looked at something similar a day before will see it for a better price — then boom! You got a sale!

Learn about drop-shipping

Drop-shipping is when you have another company produce and ship your product in exchange for a percentage of the revenue. You can do this with many companies. Just Google drop-shipping.

Well, I’ll leave it at that — remember I like to keep it short and sweet! Thanks for reading and until next time!

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