
How I Used This Free Website To Become a Straight-A Student

How Khan Academy is helping millions of students all around the world to get a better education.

Kai Arthur Allison
New Writers Welcome


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In my first years of high school, I was getting bad grades all the time. I wouldn’t say terrible grades, but my grades just weren’t great. At first, I didn’t care about it, just like any normal young high school student did back in the day. But as I grew older and slowly became the grown-up person I am now, I realized how important my grades are. It was because of this realization that I developed an urge to get better grades. Fast-forward a few years, I finished high school and visited a very good college near where I grew up. Nowadays, I have my dream job, and I am so unbelievably thankful for my younger self to have gotten the grades that I got after discovering Khan Academy that I now want to share my story and learnings with you in this article.

Back then, I did two things to improve my grades:

  1. I started taking school more seriously.
  2. I started investing my free time in learning at Khan Academy.

Taking school more seriously

All this would have never happened to me and will never happen to you if you don’t take school seriously. If you want to get good grades, it will take you a lot of discipline and dedication, as well as a considerable amount of time you will need to invest in learning.

However, you won’t just need discipline and dedication at home. You will also need it in the classroom. That’s the place where true time-saving wonders when it comes to learning can happen if you just shut your mouth and listen to the teacher. Don’t just let him tell you something. You will need to actively listen to him.

Personal tip:

Ask questions. Asking questions in school is going to save you at least 50% of the time you would have spent learning at home otherwise. Not only will it show the teacher that you are trying to understand what he is teaching, but his answers to your questions will also make it easier for you to understand the topic.

Using Khan Academy to learn

With a dedication to school, you are at least halfway there when it comes to good grades. Now you will need to do some extra work. Work that your classmates probably aren’t going to do, which is therefore going to be the reason why you are going to get better grades than they will get.

When saying “extra work” I mean for example doing an extra amount of exercises or investing some time to at least get a broad overview of the topics you know are going to be important in class before they are even taught.

To do this extra work, Khan Academy is an amazing resource. You can find the website here. They offer free courses about really anything you need to know to get to college and complete it. The best thing however is that they don’t focus on one specific subject. They teach all subjects, and when I say “all subjects” I mean what I say. Language, math, physics, you name it.

On the website, you can do a lot of free exercises and if you should ever come across one you don’t manage to complete, they also offer explanatory videos to teach the concept behind the exercise to you. What is nice about those exercises is that the website by itself has a reward system, encouraging its users to push on.

Speaking from personal experience, I can only say that Khan Academy is the greatest resource for students I have ever come across. They explain things so well that they occasionally even did a better job than some of my teachers. If you are a student you should use it or at least give it a try and if you are an adult you should do every student you know a big favor and recommend this website to them.

You can check out Khan Academy here.

By the way, I am not sponsored. Nor could I be, because Khan Academy is a Non-Profit. I just love this website.



Kai Arthur Allison
New Writers Welcome

Jogger. Writer. Student | Writing about Tech, History, Success, and everything that I think can help people in life | Support me and my writing by following me