How Many Times Do You Clap?

Is there a standard that no one told me about?

New Writers Welcome


Image by jacqueline macou from Pixabay

When I first joined Medium, back in July, it was mostly as a reader. I was super excited to have found a repository of good writing, not the crap I see on social media and the internet at large.

I clapped for a lot of articles, but I regarded the clap button as being basically the same as “liking” something on social media. This means I hit it exactly once to clap for an article. One single clap. I’m so sorry, everyone. I wasn’t trying to be rude.

At some point, I figured out that I can clap up to fifty times (there needs to be an Orientation for new Medium Users that explains all of this stuff. Maybe there is and I just missed it? I’m terrible about skipping the directions, so that’s very likely, actually).

But I rarely give all fifty claps, and I don’t know why. Does my subconscious think I’m going to run out of claps? Will I use them all up if I give each article fifty?

When I run across an article that hasn’t received any claps yet, I give it all fifty. Otherwise, somewhere in the ten to twenty range is my norm. I like to bring the total number up to a multiple of five, so if, say, an article has seventy-two claps, I’ll give it enough to get it to eighty-five or ninety.

The evil side of me wonders why I don’t intentionally leave it at some odd number just to mess with people who care about such things. Why not intentionally bring it up to eighty-nine claps? Muahaha!

Anyway, I need to know — is there a standard? How many claps do you give? Does it depend on how much you like the article? I do tend to give more claps for articles I really, really like. But mostly, it’s between ten and twenty. And maybe that’s because, in real life, I’m not an enthusiastic clapper. If I clap twenty times for something in real life, that’s a lot of clapping. I’m not an overly emotional person (I would never be chosen as a contestant on a gameshow. I just can’t get that excited) — and I have nerve damage in my hands, so clapping in real life actually hurts.

And while I’m asking, how many claps do you give for comments? If someone responds to a story, and you clap for their response, how many claps? Does it even matter?



New Writers Welcome

high school English teacher, cat nerd, owner of Grading with Crayon, and author of Biddleborn.