How Mommy and Daddy Can Get More Peace and Sleep During First 3 Months of Baby’s Life

Two simple tricks I used to make my baby eat and sleep better

Andrey Pilipets
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 1, 2022


A young couple of Caucasian man and Asian woman with a 1.5 month old baby sleeping on man’s arms
Our son Anton at 1.5 months. All photos by the author

Crying, crying and more crying… Young parents’ nightmare

Our son Anton was giving us a hard time when he was born. Ate a little, slept a little, cried a lot, over and over again. My wife was…



Andrey Pilipets
New Writers Welcome

I’m a passionate online personal trainer for 10+ years. I love to create new exercises to serve my clients the best possible way.