How Old Is Too Old To Be Young?

Are you old or young?

Khadija Iqbal
New Writers Welcome
2 min readAug 18, 2022


Photo by Tiago Muraro on Unsplash

I’ve seen a few titles on how old is too old to do anything.

How old is too old to live alone?

How old is too old to get married?

How old is too old to train a dog?

How old is too old to do a Ph.D.?

These are the things that do not need to be defined by age. You can do whatever you want irrespective of your age. You are never too old to try new things.

But my question is that how old is too old to be young?

Because there are many youngsters whose heart has died before they even hit their 30s. 20-year-olds have stopped being young. They stopped living and trying to fit in with life with the sole purpose of surviving. They have started to run in the race of life that they have forgotten how to take a stroll in the park and just relax.

Old or young shouldn’t be determined by age. Age is just a number and numbers should only be describing a person’s wisdom. Old and young should be described by how lively someone’s heart is. There are youngsters with gloomy hearts and there are oldsters with gleeful hearts. Elders, being old, are now realizing that it’s wiser to be happy because they have spent their whole life trying to live it but living is the only thing they have missed. They have a house, a car, money, and a business but happiness is out of the picture.

The ridiculous thing is that society not only judges youngsters, they also judge senior citizens. According to stereotypes, old people have to act a certain way. They are expected to be serious, snarky, and judgmental. People just can’t stay happy with others’ being happy. And that’s the bitter reality.

Truth to be told, no one is too old to be young, Considering if they have a joyful approach to life. Cheerful hearts actually ‘live’ the life instead of just getting through it. But sadly this is the talent only a few possess. Because no one counts happiness as a factor when they are talking about success.

This video warms my heart. And I agree with this comment written under the video “You are never too old to be awesome.” These elders are so cool and wholesome. They deserve to do anything which a younger person would do.

So, tell me, are you old or young?

