How Society May Impair Growth

Turn Obstacles to Personal Development.

New Writers Welcome
3 min readJan 6, 2023


Photo by Tim Umphreys on Unsplash

There are various communal factors that can impede an individual’s progress and hinder their personal development. These can include prejudices and discrimination, lack of access to resources, social and cultural norms, mental and emotional barriers, and limited opportunities.

By understanding and addressing these impediments, an individual may be able to overcome them and continue to grow and thrive.

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness — Lao Tzu

5 Reasons society is impairing your growth

1. Stereotypes and discrimination

Prejudices and stereotypes can limit an individual’s opportunities and hinder their growth. For example, if someone is discriminated against because of their race, gender, or sexual orientation, they may face barriers to education, employment, and other opportunities that could help them grow and succeed.

2. Lack of access to resources

Some individuals may not have access to the resources they need to grow and thrive, such as education, healthcare, or financial support. This can be due to a variety of factors, including economic inequality, geographical location, or social circumstances.

3. Social and cultural norms

Society often imposes certain expectations or norms on individuals, and deviating from these can be met with resistance or punishment. For example, someone who defies traditional gender roles or challenges the status quo may face backlash or criticism, which can hinder their personal and professional growth.

4. Mental and emotional barriers

An individual’s own thoughts, beliefs, and emotions can also hold them back. For example, someone who is plagued by self-doubt or lacks self-confidence may be less likely to take risks or pursue their goals, which can limit their growth.

5. Limited opportunities

Finally, an individual’s growth may be stopped by a lack of opportunities. For example, someone who lives in a community with few job openings or educational institutions may have fewer opportunities to grow and develop their skills and abilities.

Turn Obstacles to Personal Development

Questions Things

Asking questions is a crucial part of learning and personal growth. When you question things, you are challenging your own assumptions and seeking a deeper understanding of the world around you. This process can help you gain new insights, develop critical thinking skills, and improve your problem-solving abilities. By questioning things and seeking out answers, you can constantly improve and become a more knowledgeable and effective person.

Read More

By reading books, you can expose yourself to new ideas and perspectives, and gain a deeper understanding of various subjects. Books can expose you to different viewpoints and ways of thinking, which can help you become more open-minded and understanding of others.

Reading requires you to engage with the material and think critically about what you are reading, which can help you develop these important skills.

Interact with Communities

Communities are made up of individuals with diverse backgrounds and experiences, and interacting with them can expose you to new ways of thinking and understanding the world. Communities can offer support and guidance, whether through formal mentorship programs or informal relationships with others.

Belonging to a community can provide a sense of purpose and connection to others, which can be especially important for those who may feel isolated or disconnected.

Don’t Limit Yourself

Leaving your comfort zone can be a challenging but ultimately rewarding experience that can help you grow in a number of ways. By taking on new challenges and facing your fears, you can build confidence in your own abilities and learn to trust yourself more.

When you are faced with new and unfamiliar situations, you may need to think creatively and come up with innovative solutions. This can help you improve your problem-solving skills and become more adaptable.

Developing these it’s not something that will happen in a week or two. One of the key things that will help you is being aware of your surroundings. By that, I refer to what’s happening in your life, where your thoughts are wandering and taking control of them.

If you are here, big thanks to you for reading about steps you can take to make your growth not impaired by the society around you. The possibilities are endless.

You can connect with me for more discussion and thoughts. Reach out to me by email at

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