How To Become A High Value Man In The Digital Age

“Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” ― Voltaire

Almar Tagara
New Writers Welcome
3 min readApr 11, 2024


A successful young man who is wearing a suit.
Photo by Chloe:

Toxic masculinity is a stupid ideology.

As a man, you need to be strong for your family. As Chris Rock once said, “Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally, whereas a man is only loved under the condition that he provides something.” Sad but true. You need to earn your worth as a man if you want people to listen to you. Society will consider you useless if you have no status as a man.

After reading books about relationships, here’s what I found on how you can become a high value man in the digital age:

1. Have confidence and self-esteem.

Confidence is different from arrogance.

Confidence is about being comfortable despite not other people liking you. It’s about focusing on your dreams and setting goals. Becoming confident means knowing how to lead.

Here are 3 proven ways on how to have more confidence:

• Look at your past accomplishments.

• Learn new skills and solve interesting problems.

• Learn how to handle rejection.

Women are attracted to confident men.

2. Wear decent clothes.

Wearing decent clothes is not about buying Gucci or Ralph Lauren clothes.

It’s about looking clean and becoming well-groomed. Clean your nails and have a decent haircut. Choose clothes according to your style.

First impression is so important.

3. Master public speaking.

Public speaking is art.

If you learn how to present your ideas in the world, opportunities will come to you. But learning public speaking takes time. You need to practice and read public books if you want to improve. You also need a mentor who will give your constructive criticism on your talk.

People love to hear emotional stories when you are talking to them.

4. Learn how to tell interesting stories.

Stories make us human.

It is one of the ways to connect with our audience. You can also inspire other people with your story. You can also build credibility using stories.

A great story focuses on transformation and vulnerability.

5. Have a sense of humor.

If you can make people laugh, you will be seen as attractive and people would love to hang out with you.

A sense of humor will help you win new friends and connections. It will also reflect your character and personality. And you can improve their life.

Funny people are hard to find.

6. Learn how to listen.

Listening is not about hearing words; it’s about feeling seen.

For example, you need to understand their beliefs and points of view. This is why empathy is so important. Being empathic will help you win new friends.

Listening is about hearing their perspective and solving new problems.

7. Know your strengths and weaknesses.

Self-awareness is about knowing yourself.

We all have different talents and gifts. But you need to try a lot of things if you want to know your strengths and weaknesses. There is no harm in trying. Failure is part of life and true failure comes from not trying.

Successful people fail a lot more than average people.

They just didn’t give up on their dreams.



Almar Tagara
New Writers Welcome

Digital Writer | Artist | Ghostwriter| Want to become a Thought Leader in your industry? Connect with me: