How to Build Self-Esteem.

Five tactics to change how you see yourself.

Haitham Albayruti
New Writers Welcome
4 min readJun 18, 2022


Photo by Fernando Brasil on Unsplash

Everyone experiences low self-esteem at some point. However, if it’s affecting your life, try these 5 strategies to boost your confidence and improve how you see yourself.

Your sense of self-worth will affect every aspect of your life. Your job, relationships, and mental and physical health are all indicators of how you see yourself. However, what exactly does it take to develop strong self-esteem? According to some studies, people’s level of self-esteem can change based on how they’ve been treated in the past.

One of the most important factors that you can consider when it comes to increasing your self-worth is having a fair amount of control over what you choose to do. There are several simple steps that can be taken to improve your self-esteem, such as taking a break from negative thinking and focusing on positive thoughts

Replace Negative With Positive Thinking

If you’re still seeing yourself as a negative person, then it’s important that you start taking a break from negative thinking. This will allow you to develop a stronger capacity to think positively. One of the most important steps that you can take to improve your self-esteem is to regularly exercise your brain. This will allow you to develop a positive mindset and forgive yourself for making mistakes.

Take a minute to look through your daily dialogue, which is known as self-talk. It’s a continuous process that involves making observations about yourself and others. It’s important to start noticing the trends in this dialogue so that you can identify the kind of thinking that’s affecting your life.

To increase your level of positive thinking, you have to identify the triggers that can trigger negative thinking. For instance, if you have a negative bank account balance, you might feel anxious or sad when you see a coworker constantly complaining. However, by paying attention to these triggers, you can start to change how you react to them.

Acknowledge Successes

Most people with low self-esteem will typically avoid celebrating their achievements instead of focusing on how far they’ve come. They might also avoid being perfect because they don’t want to be labeled as an arrogant or narcissistic individual. On the contrary, people with high self-esteem tend to acknowledge their accomplishments when they receive them.

Stop Comparing Yourself

Instead of comparing yourself to others online, try to remind yourself that what you are doing is the best that you can do. It’s also important to remember that whatever it is that you are doing is improving, and it can never be duplicated.

Being the standard for others is not an option for people with low self-esteem. This is because, when you encounter people who are capable of being better than you, you tend to find yourself in an unfavorable position. Social media can also contribute to this issue, as researchers have shown that people who spend a lot of time on the platform are more prone to experiencing low self-esteem.

Practice Self-Care

Developing a positive mindset and adopting healthy lifestyle strategies can take time and patience. However, once you start to challenge yourself, you’ll start to feel more positive about yourself and your abilities. You’ll also feel proud of how far you’ve come.

Being able to show that you care for yourself is also important, as it can help you develop a stronger capacity to love other parts of yourself. For instance, by avoiding foods that can make you feel tired or irritable, you can improve your health and feel more positive about yourself. Having a positive relationship with people can also help boost your self-esteem.

Don’t internalize external expectations

This is the root of low self-esteem. You become the negative self-interpretive idea of peoples’ expectations in your mind and that drives you down a spiral of self-doubt and loathing.

Don’t interpret messages from other people as bad or as you are a bad person. Don’t try to make some sort of negative connotation out of a banal comment someone made.

Your sense of self-esteem is crucial to your happiness and to the quality of your life. Your work, relationships, and daily life are all affected by it. Low self-esteem will negatively impact your life and make you hate yourself.

How you view yourself presents a picture of yourself to the world. If even you yourself hate what kind of person you are, how do you expect the rest of the world to love you?

Work on taking care of yourself and focus on the things that make you happier as a person.



Haitham Albayruti
New Writers Welcome

A Russian living in Gaza, Palestine. English major graduate.