How to Cultivate Your Own Luck

Transform your life and unleash your potential.

New Writers Welcome
4 min readJan 29, 2024


Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

What do you guys think of when you hear the word luck?

Is it winning the lottery, that kid who’s a music prodigy, that really talented athlete or that person that seems to be able to just do it all.

Uggghhhh so unfair right?

I often think about how much of life is just a lottery. Like where we were born, where we grew up and personal circumstances which either hindered us or lead us to different doors of opportunity….

Photo by Steve Sawusch on Unsplash

While it is infact true that we don’t have control over external factors we do have control over one thing…ourselves. When we stop being a victim to our own circumstances and start pushing the boundaries of our own mind, we see that luck creates itself.

So much of life is out of our control. Learn to focus on what you have control over: yourself. And if things must change you must change.

Change your mindset…change your life.

At the very heart of luck is action. Just think about the major athletes, actors, writer’s, billionaire entrepreneurs.

We may at a glance, think they just won the lottery over and over again. However instead of seeing that in that way. Look at them and see a story. Yes sure, they were born with natural talent (most of them anyway) but talent can only take a person so far…

It’s their mindset and grit that makes all the difference.

Photo by Sammie Chaffin on Unsplash

But how do we develop this mindset — so we can effectively see change in our lives.

1. Believe in your ability to influence your own outcomes. (Have a lil faith in yourself)

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The first step is too actually believe that you have control over yourself. Sure, external factors are out of your hands, but you need to believe that if you wanted to do it enough you would.

2. Dedicate time to keep learning

Sounds boring right??

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

But it’s a step that's so integral if you want to create your own luck. Pick something that you want to get good at. Whether it’s running, gym, financial fitness or writing/blogging and build a knowledge base of those areas. That way once you start you know you're doing it properly from the get — go.

Don’t sweat about knowing it all though part of the process is learning while you’re doing it.

For me personally I try and set 1 hour a day into learning a new skill. This year it has been blogging. I am also learning Spanish on good old Duolingo and reading the finance book Barfoot Investor by Scott Pape (great book definitely recommend!). As well as continuing running and going to the gym.

I’m human and of course it’s hard to stay disciplined but when I’m stuck at that crossroad of whether I should do it or not I remind myself that:

Writing sometimes is hard but being someone who doesn’t show up for themselves is worse. Avoiding discomfort and choosing the easy option only makes life harder. So the small things are really more of a test then the big things. Your daily actions then become your habits which become your identity. By choosing the hard option you prove to yourself that you are capable. The more you choose the harder option the stronger your mind will become, and the easier life will get.

The more you learn, the more you improve in that area. Sparking the flame of luck. Better yet — luck that you created for yourself.

Please comment your thoughts. All the best:)




New Writers Welcome

Adventurous soul. Travel and self-improvement writing. Law and Business student.