How To Fold Away Negativity

The Art of Mental Origami.

Tyler Woden
New Writers Welcome
3 min readSep 4, 2023


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How Simple Mind Folds Can Transform Pesky Thoughts Into Beautiful Revelations

Did you have a bad day? Why? What happened? Sometimes, something happens during your day that tickles you in the wrong way instead of the right one. Maybe you missed the bus to school. Maybe you’re late for work today. Maybe it was that bloke who pushed in front of you in the breakfast line. The point is, it could be almost anything because, well, we’re all a little different, aren’t we? And one person’s peeve is the next person’s pet, so to speak.

Anyway, with that said, today I want to give you something uplifting, just in case there really is something that has ticked you off.

Tackling That Pesky Negative Thought: A Gentle Guide

We’ve all been there. Lounging on the couch or drifting in thought. All of a sudden, a pesky, negative notion sneaks in and clouds our perspective. It could be a past, present, or even a future worry. Whatever the origin or context of your negative thought/s, it can weigh heavily on your mental well-being. But don’t despair! Here’s a gentle and uplifting guide on tackling them without sounding preachy. Because, guess what, I have a lot of professional and personal experience in this field, but I don’t claim to know everything. But, if I can help even a little, I will. Let’s get started.

First And Foremost, Recognise The Thought

The first thing is, imagine a bird landing on your windowsill. Don’t shoo it away immediately. Instead, look at it, observe it, nod to acknowledge its presence, and let it decide its next move.

Remember, Thoughts Aren’t Facts

See that cloud above you? A thought is like a cloud in the sky; it might appear solid and ominous, but it’s ever-changing, transient, and can’t hold water forever. The same goes for your thoughts.

Happy thoughts will attract happy people into your life for you, so the next time you want to frown, smile.

Breathe Through It

Picture waves upon the sea. Now, treat each breath you take as a gentle wave on the shore, washing away the footprints of negativity and leaving a cleansed space behind.

Shift Your Focus

‘Heavy weather warning as storms hit us from the east tomorrow.’ It’s akin to changing the radio station when a distressing news bulletin comes on. Tune into a melody that uplifts your spirit instead.

If you think some of your thoughts could be related to more than just a fleeting thing, have a look at my other article below

Talk About It

Sharing is caring. Sharing a thought is like releasing a butterfly from your hands; once it’s out, it takes on a life of its own. Sometimes, it’s much lighter and more beautiful than when it was confined.

Laugh A Little

Imagine the sun breaking through a stormy cloud. Laughter is your sun that can break through any stormy cloud. It can cast a golden light and remind us that behind every darkness, there’s a bright sky waiting.

Seek Professional Help If Needed

It could be best to think of therapy as a guided hike. Sometimes, you need an expert to show you the most effective paths. Such help can empower you to navigate tricky terrains when you come across them in this life. Therapy is not for everyone, but it can certainly help just about anyone, whether short-term or long-term.

Maybe you need some tips for raising confidence. If you do, click the article below.

In the end, managing our thoughts is akin to sailing a boat. Sometimes, the waters are choppy, and other times, they’re calm, but with the right tools and navigation, we can always find our way to serene shores. 🌼🌈

That’s all from me today, until next time.

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Tyler Woden
New Writers Welcome

Unbound by niches. However, I enjoy writing: Fiction -Life -Mental Health I equally enjoy reading in the same areas