How To Get Ahead of 97% of Writers In The Next 6 Months

3 simple steps to guide you to writing success

Derek Hughes
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

It’s easy to get lost.

I was so desperate for success. I’d use a different tactic every week. And swing wildly from one style to another. Trying to hit the magic formula. I was treating writing like buying a lottery ticket. Hoping to wake up one day and discover I’d made it.

Many writers make the same mistake.

Focusing on tactics and ignoring their wider strategy. Tactics are the details. eg. how to write a headline. Whereas strategy is the long-term process of how you build an audience.

Without a clear roadmap. You’ll lose motivation. And make random decisions. I’ll make over $1000 this month. But could’ve avoided a lot of mistakes if I had this 3 step plan to follow.

Follow these 3 steps if you want success.

1. Get going

Most writers don’t write.

They dream of writing. They’re getting ready to write. They want to learn to get it right before they start.

But you need to forget all that and start.

Preparation. Learning. Getting ready. It’s all procrastination and a total waste of time. Real learning comes after…



Derek Hughes
New Writers Welcome

Building a part-time business ($2.5k/month). Showing writers how to grow theirs. Coaching and courses to elevate your writing. Free course