How to Improve as a Writer Without Spending Hundreds on Courses

No, you don’t need to spend all that money, I promise

Stephanie D. Rondeau
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Kyle Gregory Devaras on Unsplash

It’s an age-old question. What’s more valuable? Learning about craft or simply putting in the hours writing?

I’m fully aware that I’m never done learning about writing. And every level of success I achieve makes me hungrier for more information. It’s something that most writers feel—I hope, anyway. We’re always evolving, always learning. There’s always room to grow.

But sometimes, learning no longer moves you forward. Sometimes it becomes a crutch to stay stagnant instead of a means to propel you forward.

So what’s the difference?

What can you gain from a course?

There’s always something to be gained from a writing course, webinar or craft book. But it becomes a problem when instead of helping you grow as a writer, it becomes an excuse to avoid the actual work.

You can take course after course after course. You can learn when and how to use the pluperfect tense. You can ingest endless information about how to create engaging dialogue. You can read book after book about plotting, character development, and story elements.



Stephanie D. Rondeau
New Writers Welcome

MS, ATC, CSCS. Kidlit author and editor, query liaison. Mostly writes about writing, health and wellness, feminism, and parenting. Occasionally funny.