How to learn new language

This will make a huge change

Aamer Kahawish
New Writers Welcome
2 min readDec 29, 2021


Photo by [Thought Catalog]

One of the most important things that you can learn is a new language. This will give you the power of knowledge. Knowing a language means that you will become familiar with a new culture, new mindset, new ways of thinking, and a new history of a whole society.

In this story, I will give you a few tips that you can follow to easily learn a new language.

  • Write everything you learn new.
    When you write things you study, it will become easier for you to remember them and memorize them.
    So, for example, when you learn a new word, try to write it several times in different places in your notebooks. This will help you remember this specific word.
  • Create your sentences
    If you are learning new vocabulary, try to use what you are learning in different sentences.
    e.g. if you learned these words in English: “Man, Car, Home”. Try to write sentences that include these words:
    I love my home
    Our home is so beautiful
    This man has a nice car
    I am a man
    I have a car
    When you use these words in different sentences you will understand them more, and you will memorize them easier.
  • Read songs lyrics while listening to music
    If you are one of those who loves to listen to music, why wouldn’t you exploit music to help you learn?
    Read the lyrics of the song, it will expose you to new vocabulary, and because you are singing it, you will feel that it is easier to remember it.
  • Become a friend with a native speaker
    You will listen to the right way of the word pronunciation, as a result of having a conversation. Also, you will start thinking to express yourself, and then you will be able to use the words (vocabulary) that you already have.
  • Talk to yourself loudly
    Never hesitate, and do not feel shy.

Last, the more you raise and maximize your input from this new language, the more you will be able to have a good output of it.



Aamer Kahawish
New Writers Welcome

Many thing to be said … and here I’m arranging my thoughts to become stories worth publishing