How To Let Go Of Negative Thoughts

Focus On The Good Thoughts

Mariana Itzel
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 2, 2022


Photo by Gian Cescon on Unsplash

Being able to control your emotions is important. We can’t be the ones controlled by our emotions. And our mood and feelings can depend on the thoughts we are having in our head.

For instance, if you keep thinking about an argument you had with your friend earlier that morning you will probably be frustrated for the rest of that day. So we should be able to remember that controlling our emotions and thoughts is possible and we should learn how to control them. Because we can’t just live life looking back to an argument you might have had with someone.

Life goes on and it’s a good thing to get over these thoughts because one of our main goals in life should be to live a happy life. Don’t let others ruin the happiness you deserve.

So, if you want to live a happy life keep reading and learn how to control your thoughts and get those negative ones out!

Write Them To Let Them Go

It is hard to let thoughts go sometimes that’s why writing and journaling about your thoughts and emotions can be helpful. This can help see what’s bothering you so much and to really analyze your thoughts as you put them into paper. So put them on paper and I promise it will be easier to let them go. Keep in mind that you are the one who decides what thoughts to have and that you aren’t your thoughts.

Talk To Someone About It

A good way to forget about a negative thought that won’t stop coming up into your mind if journaling isn’t your way of letting go is to talk to someone about it. Tell them how the thought makes you feel and if talking to the person who was part of the negative thought is an option go for it. Know that you are not alone in your thoughts and that there are others there to help you.

Surround Yourself With Positive People

Sometimes doing something we love and hanging out with the people we love is a way to let go of a thought. Surround yourself with friends and loved ones. It is said that you are the 5 people you hang out with the most so make sure these people make a positive impact in your life and make you feel good about yourself.

Bring Hope

Bringing hope will usually make you feel happier about yourself and give you inner peace. You can do this by working out to release the endorphins and give you more clarity. You can also feel in peace with your mind and body by relaxing doing something you love.

Treat Your Self

Doing something you love leads me to treat yourself when you are going through negative thoughts in your head. Distract yourself and live the present by doing a hobby you enjoy. Take a hike, read a book, or watch your favorite movie!

Look At The Positive Side

Look at the positive side of every situation there is always one. You can’t control others but you can control the way you view the situation. Be the person who grows. See what you could do better next time and see the positive side. Maybe you learned something new you didn’t know. Or maybe you lost a friend who had to be lost to get a new and better one in your life.



Mariana Itzel
New Writers Welcome

Hey, I’m Mariana welcome to ma life :) Writer on Travel, Lifestyle, Fashion, and more! Documenting and writing on here with posts!!