How To Measure Success. Why Success Looks Wildly Different For Everyone

Live a life that really matters

Maeve Keenan
New Writers Welcome
2 min readOct 28, 2022


Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

Success Is Extremely Subjective.

Many people in the western world believe having a big house, luxury cars, and multiple businesses means a successful lifestyle. Success is so much more than that.

What is success? To succeed is to achieve what one wants.

This means you need to know exactly what you want… But the shocking truth is not many people truly have the clarity or confidence to pinpoint what they desire.

They fail to investigate why they want the things they want.

For example, you may tell yourself you want to be famous, but your honest desire is to have love and attention, which are all very valid wants.

If you achieve fame, you may be disappointed when you do not feel a lasting sense of love and attention. Which means that it does not really add to your overall sense of success.

But if you could directly define these wishes, you could reach these feelings in a more straightforward and fulfilling way.

So, Let’s Ask The Important Questions To Check If You Are On The Right Path

  1. What are my values?
  2. What gives me genuine joy?
  3. What are my needs?
  4. Are the decisions I’m making, the actions I’m taking and the thoughts I’m thinking helping me to achieve what I ACTUALLY want?

Our Values Define Our Success

We should dedicate time to exploring our personal values and our deepest desires. This looks very different for everyone because it depends on our unique needs, life experiences, and pain points.

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”-Albert Einstein

A person’s picture of success changes over the course of their life because our desires change, perspectives change, and beliefs change.

Success is not a concrete destination; it is an ever-evolving journey.

If someone values freedom, traveling the world is successful for them. If someone really values money, a millionaire lifestyle is successful for them. If someone values family, having a close family is successful for them.

Get clear on what you value and when you can live in alignment with those values, you will be successful.



Maeve Keenan
New Writers Welcome

I help you build psychological and spiritual health. Turning pain into power and words into medicine.💙