How to Nail Your Featured Image on Medium

A guide to getting the focal point right and boosting your story’s SEO potential with alt text

Rui Alves
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

Have you ever scrolled through your blog and come across an old piece featuring an image that makes you sigh?

An image can make or break a story, right?

In this piece, I’ll share tips on how to nail your featured image on Medium by getting the focal point right and boosting your SEO with alt text.

Understanding the importance of images

I joined Medium in 2019, and I've come to realize the importance of creating content that stands out in the platform’s sea of stories.

Choosing a featured image of the finest caliber should come as a priority when trying to create an engaging story.

Think of your Medium feed as a window display for your content. The featured image is the first thing potential readers see as they scroll through their feeds.

It’s like the cover of a book, and it can either attract or deter readers from clicking on your story.

So it’s essential to choose an image that accurately represents the content of your piece.



Rui Alves
New Writers Welcome

Language teacher, linguist, coach, published author, editor, and international nonfiction book awards judge. Digital ronin, musician, and alchemist of sound.