How to Overcome Writer’s Block: 7 Tips to Help You Break Through

‍Writer’s block is one of the frustrating experience that every writer have to face in one way or another

Rida Shoukat
New Writers Welcome
5 min readDec 20, 2022


Writer’s block is one of the most frustrating experiences a writer can have. During times of struggle and uncertainty, we often feel as if our writing isn’t good enough or that we just don’t know how to get from here to there.

After all, who wants to spend time sitting around wondering what could be so great about their work? Instead, we should be doing everything in our power to make that work better — and faster. But is what you see what you get when it comes to writer’s block?

How many writers have been able to overcome their fears and continue on with their creative endeavors because of those moments? And how many of them did so by taking the right steps? Let’s take a look at some of the research available on this topic and see if we can figure out what works best for us:

What’s writer’s block?

We’ve all been there. Maybe you’ve been feeling a little “writer’s block” for a while, or maybe you’ve just experienced it for the first time. It may feel like everything that you do is “wrong” and that you are “not good enough” as a writer. You may feel like everyone out there has a “magic key” that will unlock the “secret door” to success in their writing. But you don’t. And you aren’t alone.

Writer’s block is the inability to write. “But I’m writing every day,” you might say. “I can’t get anything down.” And that is true. It’s not that you are not writing; it’s that you are not writing well. Overcoming writer’s block is a process that takes time and practice.

How to overcome writer’s block?

Here are some proven methods which I believe can work out for you.

  • — You have to believe in yourself.
  • — Write every day.
  • — Set your writing goals.
  • — Understand what you’re trying to accomplish.
  • — Focus on the big picture.
  • — Don’t get overwhelmed.
  • — Keep trying.
  • — Learn from every failure.
  • — Don’t feel pressure to be published immediately.
  • — Find a community.
  • — Find a mentor.
  • — Find a coach.
  • — Find a study partner.
  • — Find a therapist.

5 strategies for overcoming writer’s block:
  • — Hone your craft.
  • — The more you write, the more you will learn about your own writing process and what works best for you. While it may feel like all you do is mess up, the only way to become a better writer is to write, to get your fingers wet, to make mistakes, to learn, and to grow.
  • — Don’t compare yourself to others
  • — For every writer who makes it there are a million who don’t. Being realistic will keep you grounded, which will help you stay focused while you are writing. You may be a better writer than your peers or you may not, either way you will never know until you write.
  • — Be inspired by others’ work
  • — Whether you are writing short stories or long novels, take a look at the books you are reading or the films that you are watching. Find inspiration in the words and images of others.
  • — Don’t give up
  • — There have been countless writers who have written thousands of words before finding the “secret key” to success. And there will be countless writers who never make it because they give up after a few “failures.” Don’t let those feelings of inadequacy get the better of you; continue forward until you have something that you can be proud of.
  • — Reward yourself.

3 benefits of writing when you are blocked:
  • — Create a habit of writing.
  • — Writing every day will become a habit. You will start to notice that you are already writing and that you don’t even realize it.
  • — Writing everyday will helps you organize your thoughts.
  • — Knowing where to begin is always a helpful step in making progress.
  • — Unleash your creativity.
  • — No matter what your age, there will come a time when you are stuck, when you don’t know where to start. At those times, use the opportunity to tap into your creativity and make something new.

2 ways to combat procrastination when you are blocked:
  • — Write what you know.
  • — Despite what you might think, writing about what you know is not wasting your time. It will help you organize your thoughts and also make your story more relatable to readers.
  • — Break up large tasks.
  • — Building a story from the beginning until the end is a very large task, so instead of tackling the whole thing at once, break it down into smaller pieces.

1 final bit of advice:
  • — Surround yourself with positive people.
  • — See a therapist.
  • — Find a mentor.
  • — Take a class.
  • — Read books about writing.
  • — Set aside time to write each day.
  • — Take breaks from writing.
  • — Stay inspired.
  • — Make your writing a priority.
  • — Don’t be afraid to be ambitious.
  • — Be patient with yourself.
  • — Stay humble.

I hope you find it useful for yourself if you are the one facing such a situation. Please let me know your thoughts or any other suggestion you believe can work out in that case. Looking forward to your kind feedback. Thank You.



Rida Shoukat
New Writers Welcome

Content writer and creator. Connect with me in sharing you inspiring and immersing content. I write about productivity, personal growth, and self improvement.