How To Read With a Writer’s Eye

A simple trick I use to improve my writing style.

Assumpta Nalubowa
New Writers Welcome
2 min readAug 21, 2023


As you read your favorite authors, look out for the images — the worlds they construct with their words.

Study them with the passionate fire of a child.

Decode their metaphors. Tear them to shreds and put them back together — In a different order. In a sequence that’s separate from the one in which you took them apart.

Play with the words — The sentences. Make songs — music out of them.

Make something new altogether.

Make something that’s yours. Something that’s a part of you — your child. That way it will stay with you forever. It will be an imprint in your memory. In your cells, your very DNA for the rest of your life — For generations to come.

You will pass it down to your daughters.

And they will pass it down to their sons, who, in return, will pass it down to their daughters.

You will be immortal.

Nothing you do is useless. Nothing you do is small and separate or mundane. The very universe lives on within you, so absorb everything!

Absorb these small universes, these stories in front of you because they are the stuff out of which your writing style will mutate.

Thank you for your time. For more tips about improving your writing style, follow the link below. To receive my work in your inbox, click here.



Assumpta Nalubowa
New Writers Welcome

Personal Essayist | Web Technical Writer who is open to work | For my technical writing, check out: https://sumpycode.hashnode.dev/