How to Rebuild Confidence in the Darkest Moments

Rebuilding Confidence Through Small Wins in Tough Times

Mindful Kamal
New Writers Welcome
4 min readSep 14, 2024


If you’ve lost confidence in yourself or are going through a difficult period, this guide may be the light you need to emerge from the tunnel.

We all face moments when life hits hard — whether it’s losing money, clients, or a meaningful relationship.

These dark times leave us feeling unsure of what to do, and it’s common to hide by distracting ourselves with social media, Netflix, or avoiding reality altogether.

But eventually, the weight of it all catches up. When things start to get worse, and peer pressure or internal stress builds up, we realize we can’t hide forever.

Some people are fortunate enough to snap out of it quickly, but for others, including myself, life doesn’t make it so easy.

The problems we’ve been avoiding only grow larger, and the overwhelming pressure leads to anxiety just thinking about them.

Searching for Solutions and Finding Clarity

During these times, we look for ways to fix things. Some people find motivation through discipline, self-help books, or videos, while others seek advice from friends.

The most common advice we hear is, “You need clarity; you need goals.” So, you might sit down and write out your top three goals:

  1. Go to the gym five days a week.
  2. Start earning $5,000 a month.
  3. Save $10K by the end of the year.

You’re excited and start strong, giving it your best. But after just 48 hours, many of us revert to our original routines. Some don’t even last 48 hours. Why is it so hard to stick to these goals?

Filling the Void Before Setting Goals

Photo by Mark Potterton on Unsplash

The problem is that you can’t build a house without first filling the foundation. You’re trying to tackle the difficult stuff — the things that were hard even when you were motivated and feeling fine. But now, in your darkest moment, it feels impossible.

At this point, you may not have confidence in yourself because you’ve broken too many promises to yourself in the past. Every time you set a goal but didn’t follow through, your brain registered that failure.

Now, when you think about doing something, your brain says, “Stop lying. You don’t follow through.”

Your own brain doesn’t believe you will do anything, and trying to plan big goals now is a waste of time.

What you need is to rebuild your trust in yourself, not by setting lofty goals, but by addressing your current life situation in small, manageable ways.

Building Daily Life Confidence

Photo by Balkouras Nicos on Unsplash

When you’re at your lowest, start with small actions that will give you daily wins. These actions should be simple and achievable, like:

  1. Wake up at the time you set your alarm.
  2. Take a shower.
  3. Wear clean, presentable clothes.
  4. Read for 5 minutes.
  5. Go for a 5-minute walk.

Engaging in small, physical activities is the first step in your comeback. When you tell yourself you’ll wake up at a certain time, and you actually do it, your brain registers that as a vote of confidence.

Repeat this process, and you’ll slowly build trust with yourself. As your confidence grows in one area, you can begin to add other small tasks, like reading or walking.

Building Pillars of Confidence

Photo by PodMatch on Unsplash

By consistently doing these small things, you’re not just building confidence; you’re laying the foundation for your self-esteem.

Having these daily habits that increase your confidence will give you mental stability, even when other areas of life, like finances, are struggling.

One of the biggest mistakes people make during challenging times is abandoning their positive habits. This resets everything, making it harder to return to the positive space you once occupied.

So, focus on small actions that you can achieve daily. Say what you’re going to do, and then do it.

Conclusion: Start Small, Build Big

When you’re feeling confident with the little things, you’ll be in a much better position to solve the bigger problems in your life.

And remember, one setback doesn’t have to undo all your progress.

By building small wins every day, you will lay the foundation for larger successes, and gradually, you’ll find your way out of the darkness.

Follow me on Medium so you can help me spread positivity to everyone who needs it in this era which is filled with negative emotions.

Mindful Kamal

Thank You For Reading My Story.



Mindful Kamal
New Writers Welcome

It's Kamal a person who loves to read and write about Books, Self Improvement, Productivity & psychology