Who am I? Ask yourself that.

How to reconstruct the broken mirror of self.

New Writers Welcome
4 min readJan 31, 2024


Photo by Batuhan Doğan on Unsplash

Who am I? ask yourself that…

No Seriously… This is one of the hardest questions anyone could possibly ask themselves.

Are you weird, smart, sporty, funny?

Words, words, words…that’s all they are right? How can simple phrases destroy, inspire and potentially change someone’s life?

The truth is we see ourselves through a smudged glass mirror. Mistakes, embarrassments, flaws, and all, broken pieces are put together to make a glistening reflection.

Exemplifying each imperfection, overpowering the person that we are and potentially affecting who we want to be.

Remember that time when you asked a stupid question in class…?

That wave of embarrassment rushes over you as you drown in the sound of other people’s laughter. That wave of you feeling so small.

After that experience, you still asked questions, right? Just because that happened… it shouldn’t sink you down further. We all make mistakes that we learn from, which pushes us along as humans.

Now ask yourself who do you want to be?

Scary right…. ugh there are so many answers. Particular unfortunate circumstances can change this answer.

Elanor Roosevelt once said — A woman is like a teabag, she doesn’t know how strong she is until she gets thrown in hot water.

This powerful quote can be translated into battles. We all fight them right?

Not everyone may see it, but it’s still there.

Whether it’s a past experience or something that is bothering you right now. It’s still happening, constantly arguing with yourself if your good enough to win.

Your own thoughts brutally firing bullets at each other, each added opinion, each somewhat simple comment. Now causing the mirror to fracture.

We all look up to somebody, whether it’s a relative, friend or celebrity. You may know this person or not. Regardless you look up to them in admiration.

The glistening stars shining in your eyes as you hear this person speak. A special thing called hope is created in these moments.

Hope can go a long way, it is one of the many characteristics that builds us as humans. It’s a piece of glass that is added to your mirror. Making the reflection seem brighter than before.

Photo by Miguel Bruna on Unsplash

Well then what’s stopping you, from being the best version of yourself?

Overthinking, doubt, fear…fear, yes I know this word makes you feel uneasy. It’s a simple word but it is fully compelled with such a deep meaning.

It can be best described as an invisible thief, robbing you of what you could be.

Be careful! Because this somewhat simple word can steal bits and pieces of your mirror, disintegrating the glass even further.

Giving into fear is like you yourself taking a rock and completely smashing the glass with it.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The truth is opinions come and go, but who you are stays forever.

Ever had that feeling where someone has talked down to you?

Do you ever want to prove them wrong just to see their face glitch with static awkwardness, as they realize they underestimated you.

Let me tell you, personally this is one of the best feelings ever. You feel so strong, like those negative comments have somehow rebounded and turned into a magnifying light.

That you don’t want to now end. In the opposite direction have you ever disappointed someone?

That sinking feeling in your chest as you realize the fragmented bits of glass from your mirror now affects another individual.

Whoever this person maybe, the guilt flashes you back into a mindset of fear. Now smashing the glass even further…

Now what are you left with… a completely broken mirror. The blood from the broken bits of glass, now stains your hands.

Yes you may see a broken mirror, but as time heals all those broken pieces are put together. Piecing these bits of glass together is a test of character.

Which requires courage and resilience. Yes, you may get cut again along the way and there will be times where you feel like giving up.

There is power however in each personal experience and every last piece of glass that is put back together makes a prism.

Photo by Apurv Das on Unsplash

Each piece reflecting its own light, carrying its own story and becoming its own mirror.




New Writers Welcome

Adventurous soul. Travel and self-improvement writing. Law and Business student.