How to Write Like an Expert — Even When You’re Not

You are never too old — or too young — to become an expert writer. However, a few key skills allow us to stand out from the crowd.

Sajid Ali
New Writers Welcome
3 min readFeb 12, 2022


Image by Peter Olexa from Pixabay

You think of yourself as a fantastic writer, possibly the best in your firm for professional business writing. You’ve written about religion, education, medical, and legal issues for your numerous clientele. Then you’re given the following task:

Write an 800-word essay on significant I&O technological trends.

Do you want to come back?

As a writer, it’s your job to

“fake it until you’re not faking it anymore,”

which means you’ll have to seem like an expert on a topic even if you’re unfamiliar with the field. However, everyone has their own set of limitations. It’s a technology for some. Others are interested in sports. Writing on legal issues is a totally different ballgame, given the legal ramifications of publishing false information.

Even if you’re not an expert writer, you can write like one.

So it was brutally clear when Nimble Media received its stories that the writers had never witnessed an American football game. The authors spend more time explaining the fundamentals than providing valuable fantasy league suggestions. And sports fans in the United States are well aware of such things.

So, how do you write about the cloud and corporate taxation in the United States?

Fortunately, you can still write some of these articles without coming across as a complete moron. Remember that effective business and professional writing takes time and practice. A lot of exercises is required.

What is the first rule? Write, write, write, and then some more.

Take a look at some of the issues you’re having trouble with, and write about them at least once a week if you have the time. After a while, you’ll figure out how to cover the subject and where to acquire material fast and efficiently.

A few more pointers are based on experience and practice.

1) It’s OK to Have a Meltdown:

Remember that point in Jerry Maguire where he wigs out completely? “Allow yourself some time to go through the five stages of grieving quickly: denial, anger, bargaining, sadness, and, eventually, acceptance — and then go on,” he advises Copypress Community.

2) Conduct Effective Research:

Wray advises using Google Scholar and reputable websites rather than user-generated sites like Wikipedia. However, make sure that your research is current. Change the date range in your Google Search Tools if you’re using Google. You may also select “news” or “blogs” from the drop-down menu. Otherwise, you can end up with many company websites instead of actual valuable information, or worse, obsolete information. Make a note of an excellent site you come upon.

3) Have it Reviewed by an Expert:

If at all feasible, have someone knowledgeable in the subject check over your narrative before submitting it. You could even get the customer to look at it before it’s ready to go if the client understands. In a similar vein, if your customer is willing to answer questions, email them a list of them before you begin writing and ask for recommendations for valuable resources and websites they frequent.

4) Is It Understandable to Your Mother? :

This is one of our suggestions, and it’s a good one. Before reviewing your story, consider how you would explain it to your mother if you were given a problematic issue.

You wouldn’t employ the industrial lingo and nonsensical gobbledygook. You’d say it in plain English instead. You’re not dumbing things down; instead, you’re describing it so that anyone can understand it.

The same is true when writing about a difficult-to-understand subject. After you’ve finished your investigation, consider whether you know enough about it to explain it to your mother. If not, you’ll probably need to devote additional time to research.

Have you explored some other tried and proven methods of good writing? Please share in the comments.

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Sajid Ali
New Writers Welcome

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