Hypnotize yourself into new neural pathways!

The surprising bond between neuroplasticity and self-hypnosis

New Writers Welcome
5 min readNov 23, 2023


Image Source: MK Hamilton on Unsplash

Question: What would you change in your life if you knew that you could change absolutely anything?

Well, I don’t know about you, but I’d change my brain without a second thought! Because I have blamed it for all of my struggles in life.

Recently I came across the concept of self-hypnosis and neuroplasticity. I am in no way qualified to write this, but these concepts were so fascinating that I had to share them. If you already know me, you know that I do not run from a learning experience. I research things to the end to satisfy my curiosity.

I started researching this when I found scientific proof that our brains can be altered at any point in our lives. Our brain is wired a certain way based on our life experiences, and we can rewire them, apparently! That is exciting and hopeful for me at the same time.

Anyway, let us jump in and learn some of the most useful things that we can learn in our lives!

Neuroplasticity — The Basics.

Let us start at the beginning! Neuroplasticity is basically the brain’s ability to learn and adjust throughout life. At least some of you might have the belief that our brain cannot be changed and that it is static. That is an absolutely wrong idea. Let me explain;

Our brain has the ability to keep changing our entire life. Based on our experiences in life, neural connections can be strengthened or weakened.

Did you know that our brain has a whole anatomy of its own?

The hippocampus and prefrontal cortex are the two major regions in the brain that are involved in this. It is important to know the functions of each. The hippocampus region is primarily responsible for our memory and learning abilities. The prefrontal cortex is responsible for our decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Okay, next, let us look at the mechanisms and processes.

  1. Synaptic Plasticity

This is the number 1 factor you need if you want to strengthen neural connections in your brain. Synapses transmit information between neurons. When we repeat or reinforce something, be it an action, a habit, an information, a word, or anything, stronger synaptic connections will be made.

2. Structural Plasticity

This is responsible for making actual solid physical changes in the brain. Wait, what? Yup, physical changes in the brain can occur in response to learning and experiences. Brand new neurons can be made in the adult brain through neurogenesis.

3. Neurotransmitters and shaping plasticity

There is one main job that neurotransmitters do. They facilitate communication between neurons. There are two types of neurotransmitters that influence plasticity: Excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters.

What Can Influence Neuroplasticity?

One of the major factors that can influence neuroplasticity is our Genetics and Environment. The balance of nature and nurture varies for each individual. How we interact with our environment is shaped by genetics, while environmental factors influence how these genes express themselves.

Environmental factors can modify gene expression without altering the DNA sequence. Such epigenetic changes affect the adaptability of neural circuits. Stressful experiences and nutritional factors influence epigenetic markers. So, it is important to have a positive-negative environment balance.

Age is another major factor that impacts neuroplasticity. As mentioned before, neuroplasticity is present throughout our life. But it can decline with age. Continuous learning throughout life can maintain our neuroplasticity.

Remember that experiences and learning can reshape our neural networks.

Diverse experience = Enhanced neuroplasticity.

The Self-Hypnotic Gateway to Neuroplasticity

Let us begin with decoding self-hypnosis. It is basically a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. This even has roots going back to some ancient healing practices.

During self-hypnosis, there’ll be 2 brainwave frequencies, alpha and theta waves. This brainwave indicates a relaxed and suggestible state. This is the best brainwave frequency to bring about new cognitions.

In the hypnotic state, the brain switches from Beta to Alpha or theta waves. To serve our purpose, increased visualization and imagination can help.

What Happens to Neuroplasticity during Hypnosis?

Hypnotic experiences create new synaptic connections. Here, the brain kind of understands the whole hypnotic experience as real which in turn promotes change. Hypnosis can be used to target particular problem areas. Thai causes rapid and strong bonds in our neural pathways without any actual real experiences.

Such targeted hypnosis is often used for anxiety, trauma, stress, and behavior modifications.

Cognitive Restructuring With Hypnosis

Engrams are physical units of cognitive information, including our past experiences. This influences our thoughts and behaviors. It is also responsible for the continuous process of restructuring thought patterns for survival.

According to neuroscience, each new learning modifies the nervous system. The brain has the ability to repeatedly transform and reorganize itself.

According to the Hebbian theory;

“Neurons that fire together wire together.”

This basically means that our emotions have a great impact on strengthening the neural circuits.

Positive Thinking Legit has Power!!

Positive thoughts simply release chemicals that influence brain function. These positive thoughts can strengthen synaptic connectivity. The benefits are many, including enhancing cognitive functions, decision-making, creative abilities, memory, etc. Crazy right? We discard the idea of positive thinking as it is believed to be overhyped.

Such positivity also helps in serotonin production, which is beneficial for our appetite, digestion, sleep, and overall well-being.

Hypnosis as Neural Pathways Building Tool

If you haven’t already figured out, hypnosis creates neural pathways. Stress, anxiety, and anger have a negative impact on our brain function. Hypnotherapy is used as a tool for breaking such habitual negative thinking. It is used as a strengthening technique to build positive self-perception.

Final Thoughts

It is crazy how repeatedly suggesting our brain to do something can actually make it do that! Hypnosis can be used for a ton of positive purposes. From breaking a bad habit to building self-esteem, this is a great tool.

There are a lot of myths regarding hypnosis. The media has portrayed the whole thing as some evil tool. But this can actually be used to make positive changes to ourselves and collectively.

So sit back and relax. Raise your glasses to the power of repeated suggestion and hypnosis in our lives!



New Writers Welcome

A curious mind with an infinite love for research and writing. A poet at heart and a content writer in the real world + a creative brain all around. ❤️✨