I Am Still Here

I’m going to write more.

Dr. John Swayne, M.D.
New Writers Welcome
2 min readNov 28, 2022


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Afternoon Medium readers. I should say I’m sorry for not writing in the last month, but I have been busy. Busy with work and busy with life.

It’s an excuse, really. I have had time, but I couldn’t feel creative. All attempts at feeling creative were just met with nothing. Even now, I’m typing this up and I just don’t feel it. The only reason you’re reading this is that I promised myself I’ll post whatever garbage comes out of the other end of this typing session.

This could be taken as a lesson. Not giving up, perseverance, and all that.

I do think it is okay to give up on things. It’s okay to say, “That’s enough. I have put in enough time and effort. I’m not getting what I want out of this and it’s time to do something else.”

The real question is, how do you know you’ve gotten to that point? Where do you draw the line? Where do you stop?

Honestly, I don’t know. For younger me, I would have told you to quit whenever you feel like it. Older (wiser?) me says you should probably continue for longer than that. It’s possible that you will get better and you will succeed if you keep trying.

It’s that part of me that’s telling me to keep trying. To keep writing like I did when I was a kid. So I’m going to keep at it.

I hope you keep at it too.

Thanks, everyone for continuing to read my articles. I’ll have more stuff up as soon as possible. Promise!



Dr. John Swayne, M.D.
New Writers Welcome

A doctor working and living abroad. Trying my hand at making writing more than just a hobby. I write about medical things, life and being a better writer.