I am Trapped and I Must Scream

Inspired by Harlan Ellison’s ‘I have no mouth and I must scream’

Hassan Alfarra
New Writers Welcome


The eternal quest of the human being is to shatter his loneliness — Norman Cousins

Remember, your way of thinking is uniquely yours. No one else will ever see the world exactly as you do, or perceive people in the same way you do. And I think that’s lonely.

Loneliness isn’t just about being alone, it can be a haunting awareness of our isolation, an eerie realization that, no matter how loudly we scream, it will not be heard. This solitude no matter how agonizing or tormenting, can be fuel that drives us to rebel, to break the silence.

You are confined only by the walls you build yourself. — Andrew Murphy

Living in a war-torn country, you are isolated from the broader world, your voice buried beneath the rubble and ruins, unable to reach the world outside.

Despite the Isolation, you cling to the hope that your story and the stories of those around you, will one day emerge and overcome the barrier that separates you from the world beyond.

In the midst of the struggle, you find happiness in the small victories and moments that punctuate…



Hassan Alfarra
New Writers Welcome

A medical student traversing through life, expressing what I have on my mind, and occasionally reviewing certain works I find intriguing.