I Asked AI to Draw Me an Image of Procrastination

If this doesn’t make you stop procrastinating, I don’t know what will

Änzy S 🌻
New Writers Welcome
2 min readMar 21, 2024


Image generated by Midjourney program

The other night I was sitting and contemplating the human condition. I was thinking about the common problem of procrastination. Was it possible that there existed a human who never had to deal with it? Probably not…

We all have dealt with it one way or another. Some of us have brief encounters with it, some sporadic, and some have a life-long battle with it.

I pictured an epic battle in my head — a hero fighting a beast.

A few days previously, I had started playing with an AI image generator program that generates images by prompts. I decided to try something. I gave it this exact prompt without any more details: draw me an image of procrastination.

Lo and behold the image it gave me:

Did it somehow read my mind, producing a beastly thing like that?

I got uneasy. I even closed down the program; it felt like this thing was going to come out of the screen and devour me…

Nevertheless, it has now become quite an effective way to battle procrastination. Every time I look at it, I start getting things done. Thanks, AI; love it when it comes in handy.

Dear reader, I hope you liked my story. Let me know in the comments what you think about this image. Scary isn’t it?



Änzy S 🌻
New Writers Welcome

Traveler and spiritual explorer. 9-5 quitter and self-reinventor. Always learning and sharing my view of the world