I Crossed 100 Followers, Now What?

No matter how many views or followers you get, some still can’t join MPP

Seraph David
New Writers Welcome
2 min readSep 9, 2023


Photo by Nick Hillier on Unsplash

First, I express my deepest gratitude to the readers for taking their precious time to read my writing and showing their unwavering support by reading, clapping, following, responding, highlighting, and subscribing. Without YOU, this feat would not have been possible. Thank you so much.

Reaching the milestone of three figures is a special moment, and I’m happy to have experienced this joy. On August 15, I hit the small yet insignificant milestone of fifty followers, and I’m back again after crossing one hundred followers on the 31st. But this journey was not that easy at all.

It took me eight months to reach 100 followers! Yes, but hear me out.

In January of this year, I joined Medium, but because of my commitment to studies, I couldn’t write. I started writing and publishing in August after my master’s. With 13 followers, I published 11 articles, giving me 88 more followers. So yeah, it took me eight months.

A hundred followers feel like no use:

I was happy to hear that the Medium Partner Program (MPP) will be including other countries. I had in mind that you need 100 followers to register, so I set a goal to get 100 followers as soon as possible, and I got them in a month. Woohoo! But the new requirements were different.

As the new requirements for MPP don’t include the one-hundred followers mark, I was left with mixed feelings. First, it took away all the excitement and thrill because I liked the 100 followers challenge. On the other hand, I was happy because I could finally apply for MPP. But little did I know!

After giving hope to its users awaiting the program, it was delayed in the selected new countries. Oops! Like me, I’m sure you had mixed feelings when learning about the new MPP application criteria. I and many others are still unable to apple apply for MPP despite the easy requirements.

Even though I would love to read the member’s stories, I might wait until the program is available in those selected countries before I join. So, try to forgive me. In the article by Medium Staff, it was said that the delay is by two months.

Why I still write here:

How many followers I have was never an issue.

Here’s what I did:

  1. I never asked people to follow me, but what I did was keep publishing every other day, three to four times a week
  2. I increased my engagement by reading the articles of others, clapping, and leaving meaningful comments on the articles I liked
  3. I wrote stuff that readers were interested in. I wrote on only three topics: health and fitness, personal stories, and productivity



Seraph David
New Writers Welcome

Just a human who loves writing. I write about productivity, life, health, and fitness.