I Finally Found Out My Favorite Shows' Genre

It's riddled with crime mysteries and filled with beautiful sceneries, what more do you want?

Devina Halim
New Writers Welcome
3 min readMar 16, 2022


Photo by John O'Nolan on Unsplash

Whenever someone asks me what’s my favorite shows to watch, I often find it hard to explain.

“I like to watch European crime TV shows that have a gloomy vibe, icy landscape, and alluring sceneries,” is what I usually said.

It's probably hard for the other person to imagine what kind of shows are those.

Well, I just found out that these shows have a specific genre for them, which is called Nordic Noir. The main characteristic of the Nordic Noir genre as described by The Verge is ”its emotional chilliness and overarching sense of despair, expressed via brutal murder-mystery plots”. Shows that fall in this genre are often set in Nordic countries.

I started watching these kinds of shows a few years back. It all started when I came across a British crime series on Netflix called Broadchurch. Two big names starred in Broadchurch that you’ve probably heard of are David Tennant and Olivia Colman.

Broadchurch has the same vibe as a typical Nordic Noir shows; set in a small town, has a dark vibe, interesting crime plot, and bleak but stunning landscape. Sadly, this show is not available on Netflix anymore.

After I discovered Broadchurch, thanks to Netflix's recommendation, a new door opened up to me to the Nordic Noir world.

Aside from the plot and beautiful landscape, I like these shows because the screenplay is to the point, with no unnecessary talking. I also enjoy the complex story with each character having their own secrets just waiting to be unveiled.

I honestly haven't watched one in a while. You might be wondering why didn't I regularly watch them if they are my favorite shows?

That's because I consider them as a "heavy show". These are not the type of shows that I watch while on my lunch break or at night after a stressful day. For that purpose, I recommend Brooklyn Nine-Nine instead.

These Nordic Noir shows often depict a sadistic murder mystery that would sometimes make your skin crawl. They are thrilling, full of twists and turns. It will keep you on the edge of your seat for the whole series and requires your full attention. But, once you start, you just can't stop.

You probably didn't ask, but I will give you my favorite Nordic Noir shows on Netflix as follows:

I've watched only a small portion of the whole Nordic Noir genre. So, if you have any recommendations, I would love to hear it in the comments! Also, what's your favorite movie/TV show genre?

Hi, I’m Devina!

I’m a new writer on Medium. I blog here if you want to check out food-related stuff. You could also buy me a Ko-fi to help me watch more shows on Netflix. Nice to meet you :)



Devina Halim
New Writers Welcome

A journalist and a freelance writer. Talking about writing tips, self-development, and productivity on Medium. Work with me: hellodevinahalim@gmail.com