I Fought Myself to Start Writing on Medium; Hello World!

This is how I started on Medium.

Rohit Kumar
New Writers Welcome
3 min readAug 11, 2023


This is a picture of the author.

I have been writing on LinkedIn for a considerable amount of time.

One fine day in June this year, one of my school friends dropped me a text out of the blue saying “Why don't you write on Medium?”

I was perplexed as back then I had no clue about a platform like “Medium”.

However, I watched a few YouTube videos and got to know quite a bit about this platform.

Stuck in self-doubt

I decided to start writing in the last week of June.

But how could something happen in Rohit’s life without much fuss?!


And for the next few weeks, I became a comfort zone baby and continued to put out content on Linkedin which I was used to by now!

However, as soon as writing my first Medium article crossed my mind I would descend into procrastination and severe self-doubt!

“Why would people even want to read my content?”

“What if I spend 2 hours writing something and nobody reads it?”

“Would the transition from LinkedIn be smooth?”

“People on Medium write so much better than me, I can’t stand the competition!”

Moment of Redemption!

After almost a month of procrastination, I realized that this was leading me nowhere!

Consequently, I had a chat with my mother who is my go-to counselor!

She said something that left an indelible mark on me.

“The embarrassment of taking the first step will save you the regret of not trying”

Bingo! I guess this was the cue that I was low-key looking for!

I spent a total of 2.5 hours drafting an article the next day.

1.5 hours for curating content pieces out of a dump of ideas

The next 30 minutes were spent editing and proofreading.

The last 30 minutes were spent pondering if I should tap on the ‘Publish’ button!

And I finally did it on the same day i.e. on August 8th, 2023.

I gave myself a treat with brunch at Café Ritazza.

The picture has been shot by the Author.

Now that I had taken the all-important first step, I also took up a resolution.

That is ‘putting out 30 quality content pieces on Medium in the next 30 Days’

In the process, I also made peace with the fact that my first few articles will be absolute crap!

But is that not how life is in general?

You are crappy at everything you attempt for the first time!

Messi and Ronaldo were not born as Pros.

Kobe was not that nimble-footed right from his mother’s womb.

So why fear mediocrity in the initial phase?

Because we eventually will get better at it if we persevere!

“Nobody can defeat a man who shows up every day no matter what”

So Let’s go and get this done!

Medium people, I hope you will be kind to me!

If you like this article, you will definitely love the content pieces I regularly upload on Linkedin. Check it out from here.



Rohit Kumar
New Writers Welcome

Writing about everything GenZ and more! Be it AI, marketing, self improvement, College life optimization, sports, politics etc. Living life one laugh at a time!