I Started A Substack Newsletter — 5 Months Later

Inspiration to start a healthy and growing newsletter in 2023.

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


I Started A Substack Newsletter — 5 Months Later
made in Canva with logo Substack

Whether you have your own online writing business or you're hot on the heels of starting one, a newsletter helps you to grow your audience and email list.

At the end of October 2022, I embarked on my Substack journey.

I started hearing more about the platform via YouTube, marketing outlets, and the newsletters I read.

So I thought it’d be great to give it a try to connect with my audience on a deeper level and really add value to their lives.

I started with zero subscribers and had no idea how the whole substack game worked.

Since I’ve committed to prioritizing my email list, I’ve written 23 newsletter issues and transformed my newsletter from zero into a healthy and growing email list.

Read on and learn…

  • how I attracted readers
  • what my stats look like
  • get more comfortable with writing on Substack
  • what my plans for 2023 are
  • how I can help you grow

Here’s how it’s been going, 5months into my Substack journey.

Starting on Substack…



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/