I Stepped Away From Instagram After 12k Followers

Here is my advice

Jaebien Rosario
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

I started my Instagram page in the Fall of 2018 as a sophomore in college. I wanted to become a famous influencer who made money talking about my newfound love, fitness.

I experimented so much over the years by joining various groups, purchasing various courses, reading books, and following every trend under the sun. Eventually, this lead me to be known throughout the fitness industry discussing various aspects of nutritional science.

I became the go-to expert on nutrition, was paid to write nutrition content for influencers and had people beg me to coach them… but I gave it all up.

Why would I do that?

Simple… being an influencer is work. Making a living and having a presence on social media takes a lot of work to maintain. I received many messages praising me and many messages that were extremely hurtful.

I’ve made thousands of dollars online but also had individuals send me cease and desist letters. There are some people who would follow my content no matter the platform and others who continuously stalked me just to call me names.

Not to mention I grew weary of talking about nutrition all the time. I would repeat the same stuff, talk about new findings in the field, and argue…



Jaebien Rosario
New Writers Welcome

I love science but I talk about entrepreneurship and online writing here. Sign up to my newsletter: https://thewritersparadox.substack.com/