Here’s How You Can Successfully Overcome Your Struggles

How having the proper mindset can lead to true emotional resilience

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4 min readJul 4, 2024


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

During the earlier phases of my life, I wasn’t in control of my thoughts and perceptions.

I was quite passive and would just let my thoughts direct me without having much control over them. I just went with the flow of my mind.

While this didn’t bring any serious harm or negative consequences into my life, I still largely felt that I wasn’t in charge of my thoughts and emotions.

I didn’t feel empowered and emotionally resilient. This, along with other factors, deeply impacted my self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth.

This lack of control over my thoughts also made things worse whenever I experienced periods of deep insecurity and irrational beliefs about myself. It was nearly impossible for me to pull myself out of such emotional hardships.

I Began To Understand The Power Of Our Thoughts

Photo by Sam Lion on Pexels

But then, things started to change when I was introduced to the concepts of attraction, the manifestation of our thoughts and feelings, and universal energy in my late teens.

I began to understand that the mindset we cultivate can help influence the events and the progression of our lives.

In other words, we’re able to determine what type of things we attract into our lives through the power of our thoughts. This applies to both positive and negative thoughts.

From that point onwards, it became clear to me just how important it was to practice a more positive as well as pragmatic mindset, rather than just being passive.

As I have learned, being passive and not in control of our thoughts leads to more negativity and less favourable outcomes in our lives.

Unfortunately, we human beings naturally tend to think more negatively and have worries or concerns by default.

Hence, I strove to be more positive and pragmatic in my way of thinking and perceptions towards my problems and life as a whole.

This Positive And Pragmatic Mindset Has Indeed Been A Lifesaver!

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

This new mindset has helped me a lot in dealing with my mental and emotional struggles throughout the years.

Ever since I learned of the concepts above, I’ve consciously made it a point not to dwell or get too absorbed in whatever negative thoughts and feelings I experience each day.

I’m quite thankful that I realized that such behaviour doesn’t help, and instead causes further stress and even anxiety!

Choosing to be more positive and pragmatic has also greatly helped me move forward, persevere, and not give up on my long, tough journey of getting better.

I feel that adopting this particular mindset has been one of the most significant decisions I’ve ever made in my life!

It has prevented my mental health and emotional problems from worsening and instead enabled me to gradually improve and be more emotionally resilient.

The Choice Is In Our Hands!

Photo by Keira Burton on Pexels

Our mindsets and perceptions play a huge part in:

  • How we approach various challenges or struggles in our lives
  • How we navigate through such challenges
  • How much we are affected by them

No matter what type of challenges or struggles we face at any point in our lives, we can always choose to handle them more positively and pragmatically.

Practicing this type of mindset naturally makes us more emotionally resilient and durable during such situations. We’re much less adversely affected by them.

I strongly believe that we have the power to influence and shape the progression of our lives through our mindsets. It’s up to us to take the initiative and start thinking more positively and pragmatically!

A Path To A More Prosperous Society!

I’m really glad I learned the importance of having a positive and pragmatic mindset and that it has greatly improved my emotional resilience.

Just imagine what kind of society we can develop into and what we can achieve if more people actively adopt this mindset!

Our system should strive to increase the public’s awareness of the importance of such ways of thinking in our lives.

It really can lead to a more prosperous and harmonious society.

What do you guys think? Do you agree with my points on this matter?

Do let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!

Copyright Raveen Jeyakumar, 2024. All rights reserved.

