I was Bullied for Being Fat until I lost 80 pounds

Are you ready to deep dive into the story of a young girl Monika? I hope you will love this true story and understand an important life lesson.

Indo Alok
New Writers Welcome
7 min readJan 24, 2022


Indo Alok


My mom used to be a supermodel but after I was born, she gained weight and became a stay at home mom moreover, dad left us When I was three. She would just be weeping all day and stuffing her face with ice cream. Whenever I cried she would give me ice cream too. But as time went by, I was still eating like this while mom got over her depression and had lost those extra pounds and jumped back into modelling.

My Dream

One day, I was imitating her poses in the mirror and she came in laughing. I told her my dream of modelling and she burst out in laughter saying that Modeling isn’t for everybody and completely demotivated me. But when she left I sneaked out her high heels to practice my catwalk and moments later I broke one. I suddenly glued it on and put it back. Now, Mom started going away for work so she hired a nanny for me.

My Overeating Habit

Indo Alok

Years passed and eating just became a way to cope with my feelings. Whenever I was sad or stressed, I just stuff my face and by Eighth grade I was plus-sized. I was smart and got good grades but everyone just mocked me over my weight. I even changed schools but things didn’t get better because here, I was invisible and it felt awful Until one-day Shanaya, the most popular girl came and sat next to me. She just gave me a compliment on my beautiful hair. Since then, she started sitting with me every day and we became really good friends.

Now suddenly the boys were noticing me, but only because they wanted to get close to Shanaya. I had become the official delivery person for everything they wanted to give to her. So one day when this cute boy Sheldon gave me flowers, I was shocked when he said they were for me. I thought it was some kind of prank but he looked so sincere and then he asked me out.

A Horrible Event

Indo Alok

For the next few weeks, I was over the moon but once when we were out for the dinner, I suddenly felt the chair give away under me and I went crashing to the floor. I just wanted to disappear but Sheldon totally went off on the management. He just criticized the management for just a careless system. He then just got us a huge free meal and we had a car picnic instead. I really loved how he stood up for me. The next day, I went to the school GYM looking for him but I suddenly stopped when I heard Sheldon calling me the baby elephant. I suddenly noticed that it was a dare given to him by his friends. I couldn’t hear another word. Later, I went to Shanaya’s house and cried my heart out over pizza. That day, I decided that my weight was constantly getting in my way. Therefore, I have taken an oath to lose weight during the summer break.

My Oath

Indo Alok

The summer break has started and I told Shanaya that I was in Paris. But actually, I was exercising to lose weight at home. My nanny helped my diet and exercise and soon I lost a lot of weight. When I went back to school, I could feel everyone’s eyes and smiles on me and suddenly some boys from my class rushed forward to ask me my name. Seriously, They didn’t even recognise me. Just then, I spotted Shanaya and I ran to hug her. She was also completely surprised to see my stunning figure. Just then, Sheldon came up to me looking dumbstruck and passing compliments. I just wanted to deliver a tight slap to him but I hugged him up. As I got an astounding plan to take my revenge on.

Taking a Revenge

The next day, I planned a romantic date with Sheldon at a really fancy restaurant and I was dressed to kill when it was time to order I was ready. I just ordered everything and packed up all the food. Sheldon was kinda lost as he was responsible to pay off the complete bill. I gave most of that food to the homeless people and the rest I shared with Shanaya as I told her all about my date. Sheldon never came near me again.

My Real Enemy- Birthday Party Event

Indo Alok

Suddenly, my popularity in school soared overnight. I had more boys asking me out than I could count and the party invitations were pilling up. One day at lunch, I got a text message from a new number. It was from the new Italian boy in the school that had all the girls drooling. I went to the birthday party and there was a big screen showing us the slide show of Italian guys baby picture. Everyone was awing over them but suddenly the screen went blank and what started playing next left me shook. It was a youtube channel called fatty eats the world and there were videos of me in which I was mindlessly eating.

I realised that there was only one person who could have made these, just then Shanaya stepped up from behind the screen and she started insulting me in front of everyone. I stared at her in shock as everyone stared at me. All I wanted was to run and hide inside a cake but I wasn’t gonna do that. I marched up to her and pulled out the projector. I argued with her about the incidents. I soon realised her insecurities with my beauty. I pushed her and she went flying into the birthday cake and I stormed out. I was completely heartbroken by her betrayal and I didn’t go to school for the next few days.

My Mom is Back

One day the doorbell ranged, I was surprised to see that my mom was back. She told me that she didn’t like my slim body and she was also insecure with my beauty. I told her that I want to become the model but refused without listening to me completely. The next day, She noticed that I didn’t go to school and then I told her about the stupid party and even showed her that Youtube channel. She actually started laughing. Suddenly, I was raging mad and criticised her behaviour.

Resolving the issues

Indo Alok

That Day, I recorded the video about my emotional eating problems and how my videos have been uploaded without my consent. I posted it on Youtube and It went viral many people reported Shanaya’s channel and it was immediately taken down. I went back to school but I stopped going to the parties and hanging with all those shallow people who didn’t even see me before I lost the weight. One day, I took mom’s Address book and copied some fashion agencies number. I contacted a few and waited patiently for some response.

I became a Model


One day, A rich person came to my house and it turned out to be mom’s one of the first modelling agents. He told my mom that he was there to sign me for the project. I was so happy but mom turned pale and she pulled me aside and told me to stop this nonsense. I pushed her away angrily and signed for that project in front of my mom’s eye and It went really well. Other projects started rolling in and I was making really good money. Soon after I entered the national modelling contest and I won. I stepped up for the stage for my winner speech.

To all the young girls out there, I wanna say- Don’t let anyone or anything get in the way of your dreams.

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Her Short Stories, Bedtime Stories, Bedtime stories, Thomas Gaudex

