I Went Sober For A Month. Here’s What I Learnt

My journey to sobriety

Regina Eyite
New Writers Welcome
3 min readNov 22, 2022


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

This October, I quit alcohol for a whole month.

The cost of living crisis got to me. I reviewed my monthly spending and had to cut corners. Alcohol was an expense I could do without.

Also, I hate hangovers. The banging headaches, my stomach turning, the vomiting… it was always horrible and made me ask myself: is drinking alcohol worth it?

So I took October as an opportunity to answer that question.

Here’s what I learnt:

1. I’m An Introvert

Being sober in bars and clubs has been exhausting. The loud music and having so many people in one space can be overwhelming. I have to try extra hard to make conversation in the midst of it all.

I just want to be in the warmth, with good food, binge-watching YouTube videos. That is my ideal night.

Realising my introversion has made me reflect. Who am I without alcohol? Am I comfortable enough with who I am to not rely on alcohol in social interactions?

I don’t have an answer yet.

There’s a caveat to this though. The weather in the U.K. has been dreadful. Why would anyone want to go outside when it gets dark at 4 pm and rains heavily?

2. My best memories involve drinking or getting drunk

When my friends and I would reminisce about the good times we had together, it would always be when we were drunk. As fun as those times were, it saddens me that we rarely enjoy each other’s company without a drink.

I yearn to do activities that don’t involve the odd pint on a Thursday, such as going to see a play, travelling, and many other joys of life.

I aim to do more of those in the future.

3. Sleep Is Important

You must be thinking, yes duh. However, I’ve learnt that lack of sleep reduces my productivity.

I remember going to a birthday party and coming home at 4 am. Although I was sober, having my sleeping pattern disrupted meant that I needed to have a lay-in for the entire day.

Having adequate sleep keeps me productive.

4. I rarely enjoy drinking alcohol

Don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a nice glass of rose or a well-made cocktail. But, most of the time, I’m not drinking alcohol because I enjoy the taste. The aim is almost always to get drunk.

This is the main reason I’m reluctant to start drinking alcohol again. It does not seem worth it if I’m not getting intoxicated.

You don’t have to be an alcoholic to acknowledge this problem.

For now, I will continue my sobriety. It is helping me understand and rediscover myself. I shall continue to take you all along this journey.

Have you attempted sobriety? Have you ever thought of trying it? Please comment on your thoughts and experiences!

