I Write One Article Every Month And Get $2,000 Easily

Everyone is looking for an easy fast buck, am I right?

Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome


I Write One Article Every Month And Get $2,000 Easily. Young beautiful hipster bad girl in trendy red summer clothes and earring in her nose
Money photo created by halayalex — www.freepik.com

I love all those articles claiming they make thousands by only publishing a few times per month.

The writers must think we are all stupid or something.

I guarantee you that their one article per week was not earning $2,000 per month in the beginning.

For sure, there are some writers who brought their own audience from YouTube, Instagram, or Quora but all the others start from scratch.

  • Zero followers.
  • Zero earnings.

Here’s the harsh truth:

Earning money with writing online takes hard consistent work.

You have to publish on a regular basis.

In October 2021, I published around 45 articles. Two-thirds were short form articles since I’m addicted to short form pieces.

I had one long form article which earned around $150 in two weeks and all my other articles (only) made a few bucks meaning $0.15 to $25.

Everyone is looking for an easy fast buck

Dear new writers,



Kristina God, MBA
New Writers Welcome

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: https://kristinagod.substack.com/