I’m 20 and still in High School

Hey everyone, Today I am going to present a great inspiring story of a 20-year-old student, Melody who is still in her high School due to continuous failure

Indo Alok
New Writers Welcome
6 min readFeb 2, 2022


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Check out the animation video of the above story by visiting here.

Meeting a billionaire school Boy

I was walking in the school hallway after I failed my chemistry exam for the fifth time in the 10th grade. That was the time I realised that the best thing I could do was look for a good husband and marry him after graduation.

I had no future in college anyways and when I was busily imagining myself as the wife of the handsome billionaire, I bumped into the boy I had never seen before and in a heavy accent he said — You have three weeks to fall in love with me. What!! I was shocked but he looked very serious. I tried to push him away but he stopped me and insisted I become his fake girlfriend so he could win the bet against his brother.

I stared at him and then he added that he knows about my sick dad and would help him in his recovery. Therefore, I accepted the offer right away. Moreover, He has given me 10000$ if I agreed to spend three weeks at school with him so that his brothers could see us together. And just like that, I became his fake girlfriend.

My jealous classmates

In the first two hours of our fake relationship, he bought me five Gucci bags. Moreover, he bought me new clothes as I would be seen with him. Surprisingly, He knew about my favourite colour. When I left the bathroom after changing the clothes, Leonardo looks really impressed and so did everyone else.

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I saw the look on every girl's face who used to make fun of me and my clothes and to tease them more, I put my arm around Leonardo’s waist. The next few days were heaven, I got the latest iPhone, expensive shoes and clothes, amazing makeup and the best perfumes. Now, I and Leonardo were inseparable and everyone envied me.

Leonardo’s brother

It felt amazing until one evening, I was studying for a stupid poetry exam when I felt hungry and texted Leonardo to bring some Italian food. A few minutes later, someone knocked on the door. It was a good looking guy around my age who has bought the food and turned out to be Leonardo’s brother. He pointed out mistakes in my poetry and I started crying and asked for his help to write poetry and prepare for the examination.

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He accepted the offer as he wanted to tease his brother. His name was Diego and he was such a smart guy and tutored me for five hours and the next day I failed the exam. Well, who cares as I was the fake girlfriend of a wealthy guy.

Broke Up with Leonardo

During lunch, Leonardo got me a cute bracelet with our letters carved on it. But suddenly, he got serious and forbade me to stay away from Diego. I got really angry due to his way of talking. Just then, I spotted Diego and I pushed Leonardo aside and I went to sit with him. I even faked crying over the poetry exam and hugged Diego so tight. He hugged me back.

Image by IndoAlok on Medium

Later that day, I felt really sleepy during the boring lesson and put my head on the desk to take a nap. But someone started throwing paper balls at me. It was Leonardo standing outside the window and asked to come with him. I followed him to the parking lot and there I found a fancy carriage with two white horses. Just then, Two girls pulled me aside and put makeup and a cute Disney princess dress on me and then Leonardo joined me. We reached a beautiful meadow filled with wildflowers.

We have an amazing dinner. Suddenly, my phone rang and I looked at it nervously. It was a call from Diego and he was coming to pick me up. A while later Diego arrived and he was holding a pretty bracelet in his hand. He handed it to me in front of Leonardo. Each charm of bracelet has different chemical elements to help me prepare for my examination. I high-fived him and left him saying bye to Leonardo.

My Confusion

That night, I studied with Diego for three hours and to my surprise, I was finally able to understand chemistry. I know it was my sixth attempt to succeed but still, it was quite impressive. While studying, I accidentally poured the juice into his shirt. I apologised for my mistake but then he grab my hand smoothly and tried to kiss me. I stopped him and told him that I was his girlfriend of Leonardo. He got up and left and I was really confused about my boyfriend- Leonardo or Diego.

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The next day, I saw Diego and waved at him but he ignore me. I walked at him but Leonardo showed up and put his arm around my neck. I spent a couple of days with Leonardo as Diego was ignoring me.

Diego Cheated on Me

One day, Diego didn’t come to school and I got worried because he never missed school. I asked Leonardo about him but he got all angry and didn’t want to answer. But, I insisted and then he told me that Diego wasn’t feeling well and he was taken to the hospital last night. I left Leonardo and went to see Diego and I saw him sitting on his bed. He was surprised when he saw me and I apologized for everything I had done for him. But just then, a girl showed up and held Diego’s hand. I wish the ground would open up and swallow me. I just ran out of there crying.

Finale-My Boyfriend

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I didn’t go to school for the next few days, although I finally passed the chemistry exam I was too sad. But then I remembered, I had agreed with Leonardo three weeks ago that I would let him record a fake video of me begging him not to leave to show it as proof to his brother that he won the bet. So, I went to school and told him I was ready to record the video. Then, Leonardo revealed the entire truth that Deigo was involved in this too and had won the bet.

Just then, Deigo arrived and started insulting me. Leonardo get furious and had slapped him hard and Deigo fell to the ground in anger. He got up and left in his car. I talked to Leonardo if he likes me and then he proposed me a ring. That’s how our love story came to an end.

Check out the animation video of the above story by visiting here.

Image by IndoAlok on Medium

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