I’m Back on Medium with a New Name

New name, new goals, and absolutely ready to pour my heart out!

Nathalie Saint-Clair
New Writers Welcome


Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

You know those scenes in movies where two characters just keep missing each other. That’s how it’s felt for me and writing. Back in 2021, we had a whirlwind romance. I was on vocal and medium and all the Facebook groups related to both. I was writing every day and participating in all these challenges and it was wonderful except for one thing — I wasn’t making any money. I mean I was making some money from Medium but it wasn’t enough. It wasn’t even close to enough. So I did the thing I didn’t want to do — I went back to teaching.

Torn between two loves, there has been this back-and-forth struggle between the thing that I want to do (writing) and the thing that actually pays me (teaching). In the past multi-tasking has never been my strong suit. So going back to work and still trying to write just wasn’t working for me. Eventually writing and I lost touch.

Last year I made an intentional decision to focus on teaching again. It was my first year teaching Pre-K for a school district rather than a daycare, and I knew it was going to be a lot of work. The pay was great, the benefits were great but it was hard and stressful. I had a really tough group of kids and admin showed me no support but rather blamed it on my teaching style…



Nathalie Saint-Clair
New Writers Welcome

A teacher/writer who is finally getting her shit together & taking this writing thing seriously. Follow my journey to becoming a published author & other stuff!