A very short post.

New Writers Welcome
1 min readFeb 13, 2022


A very short post describing my determination to keep on writing no matter the situation.
Image was taken by me

It is indeed tasking to get a hold of your phone, open up the medium app and get your fingers to work, not knowing what to write, just delving right into it.

The fear of writing shenanigans makes you shiver and you (I in particular) end up writing nothing.

I think I’m done and dusted with that. Right now I choose to write whatever comes to mind as long as I have it refined and to my ears and eyes, pleasant. And of course, to some other eyes and others and infinity is the number.

And I shall go for it. Writing articles or stories of anything I deem pleasing and also might seem pleasing to you.

I had submissions issues with my drafts. I couldn’t just go through with it and I really didn’t. But it’s wrong, isn’t it? Fear doesn’t define us if we let it have its way not. Fear is not inbuilt, it’s mythical. The fear of the unseen, fear itself.

I’m rambling, am I not?

Do have a nice day. Stay safe and hydrated.



New Writers Welcome

A Writer, Poet and Author. Much love. ♥️ Feel free to scroll through. Instagram-@kjumai9