Improve your English

Easy and straight to the point

Aamer Kahawish
New Writers Welcome
2 min readSep 5, 2022


Photo by [Christina] From [Unsplash}

This can help you improve your English or any other language that you learn and helps you speak more fluently.

Let’s define our problem first:

One of our problems is that when we talk English we think first in our native language and then translate our thoughts into English.

The translation process takes too much time and it sometimes stuck us in front of some words that we don’t know how to translate.

So, we speak slowly because we keep thinking in the translation process during our speaking action.

My suggestion:

Use the 5 w’s technique

Ask yourself the 5 w questions:

  • Who
  • What
  • When
  • Where
  • Why

When you want to explain something or express yourself in English. Ask yourself these questions so you could be able to talk fluently.

Let’s have an example:

let’s imagine that you want to talk about one of your work afternoon days routines, and

  • Who: My team workers and I, web designers
  • what: Go to a team meeting
  • When: Around 2 PM in the afternoon
  • Where: In the big conference room
  • Why: To discuss how we will create a corporate website

When you have answers to these five questions you will find it easier to talk about them.

It works with any other situation. The more you practice it, the more you will be able to get answers easier and express yourself more fluently.

Just try it.



Aamer Kahawish
New Writers Welcome

Many thing to be said … and here I’m arranging my thoughts to become stories worth publishing