In Confusion and Stress

In times like these we finally understand!

Anisha Shah
New Writers Welcome
3 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by Taylor Deas-Melesh on Unsplash

We live in a fast-paced world with uncertainty surrounding us at all times. We are not sure where we will be in a few days, let alone the months and years to come. With the layoffs in the companies, we don’t know how we are going to earn our money in the next few years. Our relationships have also become uncertain as we are no longer sure of the years we have with our partner. To top it all even our lives are uncertain making us realize how the world goes on without us.

We are always in a hurry to sort out our life and answer every question. Maybe we should give ourselves a little time. Since childhood, I have had this habit of listing everything that I want to achieve in my life. These are related to my career, relationship etc. But as I have grown up my priorities have changed and I have not quite crossed out the things that I had listed in my list. With time I have understood that we tend to change so thus do the circumstances around us.

While in these tiring times, we tend to forget that we as human beings are capable of improving our lives for the better. Here are a few areas that I am working on so can you better my own life:

  1. Living and enjoying the present moment: In the pursuit of a perfect tomorrow we forget about the beautiful present. Take time to be away from social media once in a while be truly present and enjoy your day. Today is the only moment we have control over. Of course, tomorrow depends on today’s actions yet it won’t hurt to be a little mindful and enjoying the present.
  2. Creating meaningful connections: Instead of focusing on increasing our Instagram followers and Facebook friends, we should devote a little time to connect with our dearest friends and close family. They know who we really are and accept us without any filters and never troll or judge us. They are the jewels we should value and make sure we spend quality time with them.
  3. Taking care of your mind and body: We are what our mind is and we execute it through our precious body. Our mind becomes what we feed it. So make sure you read good books and watch meaningful things so that a healthy mindset can be grown. The same goes for the body. Eating healthy keeps us fresh and active thus we should be cautious of what we eat.
  4. Gratitude for what we have: Our needs go on increasing with time and it is never enough. But once in a while, we should stop and be grateful for all the things that we have and never appreciate. This brings a sense of peace and fulfilment and we can at times feel at peace with ourselves.
  5. Realise how insignificant we are: We should remember how insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things. There is no point in comparing with others rather focus on making fellow lives better. This way at least we can be the drivers of change.

When in times confusion hits us it's always better to write for clarity and to recognise the areas we have control over and focus on improving that rather than be helpless. These tips may not remove the problem but they surely can help us manage it in a much better way.



Anisha Shah
New Writers Welcome

Aspiring writer embarking on first writing journey. Voracious reader and a compete nerd. Honing the craft of writing through blogs, stories and poems.